chapter 70

671 16 2

"Diana" I whispered

Her gaze was fixed on me while mine was fixed on her

How I missed seeing those beautiful brown eyes

"Wh-what happened?"

"Diana baby its okay now everything is fine i'll explain it to you when we go home for now please take rest?"

"Uh-okay" she said and immediately widened her yes when she saw that I was on a wheel chair..


"Harry what the-"

Befour she could say anything I pulled her close and attached my lips to her
She of course kissed back her elbow resting on the bed and the other hand snuggled up with my collar pulling me close

How she gets turned on?

We pulled apart due to lack of oxygen her Breathing's increased and went normal I couldn't do anything but stare at the beautiful face that was there in front of me

The voice on my phone disturbed our little moment

I opened it up to see who it was

Text message


- hey Harry if you really wanna know the past of Diana and jai come to the park tomorrow at 8 at night will be waiting till then you can take some rest and come alone of course

What the fuck!

Now who is this bastard

Harry he can help you find out

should i really go?





"harry you okay?"

"yes babe i'm fine"

"Mr.styles you and Diana will be discharged today evening till then docters still have to complete some test so i will please you to go to your room"the nurse said

diana's grip on my hand tightened while her expression changed

"diana i will be back i promise you will be okay have some rest i love you"i said and pulled my hand from hers

is she really hiding somethong?

no harry trust her

but what if there is something im not knowing

i will go tomorrow and see to it

i went to my room zayn helped me to get on bed i closed my eyes and woke to the sound of liam calling me

"harry come on we have to go.."

"but where is diana"i asked while he pushed my wheelchair out of the room

"she will be discharged tomorrow harry,docters still have to do some test"

"what no are you mad how could you even think that i will leave her aloine over herer im not going anywhere stop liam"

he came in front of me and sat down on knees

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