chapter 68

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Harry's (POV)

Shit shit shit...
This is not what has to happen!
She is pregnant she is damm pregnant.. I hope the baby is safe I hope she is safe..I need to see her now..

Diana I love you please stay with me!

Insha's (POV)

I sat their with my eyes closed
I felt a tap on my shoulder I opened my eyes to see the nurse

"You could see Diana for now" she said and turned back.

My heart raced a million secs
I rushed to the door
And took small steps as the lifeless body of Diana came into my sight

I dragged a stool next to the bed and sat there staring at her face while hot tears poured down my cheeks..

"Diana I'm sorry" I said taking her hand in my hands the only sound to be heard was the beeps of the machine..

After some few minutes the machines went unstable making loud noises Diana's hand which was their in my hand had some moment my eyes popped and I screamed for help..

2 docters followed by some nurses rushed whe the boys followed them

The nurse got me to the door while we all pleaded her to let us stay

"Please mam we can't allow you to stay in please stay out" she said and shut the door behind

Louis (POV)

I heard screaming and shouting from outside it was probably Insha..i could tell that from her voice

Harry probably heard the voices and his eyes went wide when we heard the name "Diana"

"What was that?"Harry asked tilting his head up as he was resting it on the plank behind..

" I don't know wait here I will check.."I got up and Harry forcefully grabbed my wrist pushing me back

"Louis please I need to see her please Lou leg me see her once please!" I could feel the sadness in his voice,the hurt in his eyes..

"Uh-oh-okay Harry let me ask the doctor!" A relief spread over his face while he got ready to stand

I quickly called the nurse and told her about the situation...understandingly she grabbed a wheel chair and we helped Harry to sit over it

He had some injuries , his leg was crushed by the door slamming hard while the accident his hands were luckily safe..

"Louis hurry up please!" He spat

I pushed the wheel chair with all the force and rushed towards Diana..

Boys and Insha were standing at the door peeping in and Insha was sobbing onto nialls shoulders

We went and stood their with her..

"What happened why did you scream?" I asked taking Insha into my arms while sobbed even harder

"Lou..she..their was moment in her body sh-she moved her hand" she stopped and niall from behind explained me everything happened

Harry closed his eyes and leaned down taking his face in his hands..

Zayn went and layed a hand on his shoulder "Harry trust me she is going to be fine..I promise she is a strong girl yeah?"..

Harry nodded and looked up..
His face was wet due to those tears pouring down furiously

This proves how much he loves her

Diana's (POV)

We're am I?
M I alive?

Wait what if my baby..
No Diana be strong..
You can't be weak be strong be strong

I felt someone hold my hand,was it Harry? No


"Diana I'm sorry"she said
WIt why is she sorry?

I want the answers I have to try

I applied every inch of force to make movements to my body which twirled I pain..

My eyes fluttered but I couldn't open them

Insha screamed for hell..that's when I heard some noices..

Will I be dead?
What about Harry?
I can't leave him..I love him..
Harry baby I will try my best I promise I hope you are fine..

Harry's (POV)

Watching her body laying over that bed lifelessly in pain..
It's because of you Harry this all shit!

But I uh..I was just..

Harry you didn't pay attention on the road thts the reason why the car crashed..over

Okay it's my fault!
But I want her back..she have to be safe the baby have to be safe Jesus Christ help me through this!

"haz your mum is here "Lou shouted pointing towards the door

Mom came running to me and engullfed me in tight hug

"baby how are you what happened are you okay?"

"Mum..she di-it..its my fault" I sobbed in her arms

"Shhh calm down baby she is going to be fine"

She said and a tear escaped from her eyes...

She talked to Louis about something while my gaze was fixed on my girl..the love of my life my everything

The lights turned off and the doctors exited the door taking off their masks

"Doctor is she fine is she awake cab I meet her?" I asked eagerly waiting for the doctor to say something good

"Mr.styles she is fine now..she will recover soon" he said and gave a small smile my heart stopped beating like a speed boat the relief I got..


The baby? Is he fine? Is she fine?..

A/N -
I know I said won't update but got time so I wrote this ..sorry its kinda short..


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