chapter 47

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Harry's (POV)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm..
The vision was blurry for a moment
It took me a minute to gather everything that happened yesterday..


The only words which came to my mind..

She trusts me and I would never dare to break her trust..
She is right now in my arms sleeping peacefully she is so beautiful while sleeping her hairs are messed up

The moments from last night plays in my mind and I can't help but smile..

My arms were tangled with her body..pulling her tightly towards me not leaving any space between us..

My phone buzzed on the table side to the bed.. I carefully picked it without making dia move

It's niall

"Hello" I muttered in a small voice

"Harry where the hell are you?" He asked annoyance clear in his voice

"I uhmm i'm here on a date with dia what why are you so angry?" I asked as softly as possible

"Harry Edwards styles aren't you forgetting about our concert tonight?" He asked in a much calmer but still angry tone


"No no niall I haven't forgotten!" I lied I will make it up ...she wanted to stay and I'm glad I did listen to her and stayed that told me how much she trusts me..I don't regret my decision at all!

"So why aren't you home yet?" He asked..

"Uhmm because uhhhgg alright me and Diana were on a date and now we are at a hotel we wanted to stay so we did and I will be back in less than 40 minutes so bye!" I said and hanged up without giving him a chonce to speak

Diana's eyes fluttered..
I think it's because I talked to loudly on phone

"Good morning " she beamed with a wide smile that told that she was really in a happy mood today

"Good morning baby" I said

"Anything wrong?" She asked she might have heard what I was talking with niall

"Uhhgg nothing its just that the concert is tonight and I totally forgot about it and everyone are waiting for us to return back and are furiously angry on us" I said and laughed imagining what they might be thinking right now

"Ohh shit what time is it?" She asked..

"It's 10:45"I replied as she tried to get up
But no I pulled her back and held her tightly

"Harry let me go they are worrying for us and you have to get ready for the concert"she said and struggled out of my arms..

"okay but only if you give me my morning kiss"I said with a cheeky grin on face ...

"Uhmmmm okay" she said and brought her face closer and I loosened the grip around her so that she could turn..

Our faces inches away..her lips brushed slightly on mine..but she pulled away and climbed on the opposite side of the bed..

"Haha gotcha" she laughed..

"Dia you will pay for this" I said and got of the chase her..

But too late she entered the bathroom and shut the door...on my face

I banged on it hoping she will let me in..

"Don't try I'm not gonna open it Harold" she teased..

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