chapter 23

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Diana's (POV)

I got fresh n up...
I was sitting on the sofa.

Insha was out with Louis.
Ishita with niall.
And Liam was out with Sophia his girlfriend I guess.
Left in the house was me and Harry.

I was really worried about amaan
What am I going to talk with him?.

Harry's (POV)

She seemed to be tensed..

"Is everything okay?" I asked her..

"Yeah everything is all right harry" she replied..

"Uhmm Harry I have to go for meeting a friend can you uhmm drop me please. " she asked.

"Yeah sure why not" I replied cheerfully

I quickly got changed and we got into the car.

"Were we have to go?."he asked

"Here" she showed me an address..

"Ohh its here only we'll b there in five minutes.." I said.

"Ok" she replied..

"By the way can I ask who is this friend? If you don't mind." I asked..

"Ohh uhmm yeah,he is amaan you know about that days video call?" She replied..

"Ohh then I know about him" I replied with a smile

"Yeah you do" She said.

Diana's (POV)

We reached there...

I saw amaan sitting in the cafe.

He didn't seemed to be OK.

"Harry you wanna come?" I asked.

"Is it OK if I do come?" He asked..

"Of course it is" I replied and walked with him.

But what if fans mob him?.

"Harry what if fans mob you here?" I asked ..

"Don't worry"he said and took out an mask and put it on.


We went inside the cafe.
Their sat amaan.
His look was changed
He was not that decent amaan I knew, he was all changed to a popstar like look.

Similar to Harry I guess.
He welcomed us with a smile and gestured us to sit.
We sat down
We ordered hot chocolate for all of us..


Me-so amaan how are you?..

Amaan-i'm all good diana what about you?..

Me-yeah I'm fine meet my friend Harry.

Amaan-wait I think I know him.
Isn't he the member of one Direction the Harry styles.

Harry-hahah yes yes I'm...nice to meet you amaan,but wait I think I have seen you some where...

Me- where?,do you both know each other?

Harry-okay weren't you in Taylor's party last month...

Amaan-uhmm yes yes I was..okay di let me tell you I know you are here to ask me about Insha and everything but listen we broke up. We didn't work!..after she was gone I tried calling her I tried every fucking way to call her back but no she was gone forever! I decided to go behind my hobby and give singing a chance.
I went for an audition I accidentally met Taylor.
We became good friends and then one day she said she likes me and I even wanted to move on from Insha so I gave Taylor and my relation a chance and now here we are happy together, but no one knows about this.This can affect our carriers so we have decided to keep it as a secret.

Me-ohh my god amaan so much happened with you.

Harry-woah mate you are lucky to have her she is a really nice girl. I hope you are happy with her.

Amaan-yeah yeah I'm damm happy.

Me- okay so end is happ and that's great..

Amaan-hey tell me about you how are you with Harry styles?

Me- hahah its a long story why don't you come home with us and we'll explain you everything.

Harry-yeah sure all the ladz will be happy to meet you.

Amaan - okay..can I call Taylor??

Me -yeah sure why not.

Harry - let's go then

----end of conversation-----

We finished our hot chocolates and sat into the car...
Amaan called up Taylor..
She agreed, she was on her way to boyz apartment...

----author's note--------

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Thank you for the 600 reads guyz love you aloads!

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