chapter 60

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Diana's (POV)

"Are you okay?" Insha asked and I nodded

She sat on the edge of the bed facing me

"It's not food poisoning right?" She said and I looked at her with a confused expression


"Yes Diana because you never ate anything the last night!" She had a point bit then why did the doctor said it's food poisoning?

"But doctor?.."

"Diana Harry wasn't here when Dr.jey was checking you!"

"Then what is it?"

"I ...Diana you need to come with me"


"We have to go to the dispensary!"


"Diana did you use protection when you had sex with harry?" Her sentence shooked all the thoughts in my head and it hit me like a big rock I realized I haven't taken my pills from a long time and Harry did he use protection? Of course he did? Did he? No he didn't?

"Diana did you?"she again asked and I felt my head like it weighed 1000 pounds everything I see was getting blurry I have to be strong Diana calm down you have to be strong!

"I don't know!"I blurted out and Insha nodded before getting up and walking to the door

"I will be back in 10 minutes!"she announced while she exited

I was alone in the apartment

No I can't I can't have a baby at the age of 18 I haven't even started with my classes properly and Harry will never accept this he is a famous popstar and I'm already getting enough hate from the fans for being with Harry but now no no this can't happen but the baby haven't done anything wrong but wait first I have to see if this is true what if I'm not pregnant yes I will not be I hope not

My thoughts were interrupted by Insha slamming the door open and walking to me in a hurry

"Take this and hurry up before ethe boys come" she said and handed me a packet

I opened it and it was a pregnancy test 5 packets?

"Insha why 5?"

"You know in case now just hurry up!"


Shit what if it's positive? No Diana think positive it will be negative

i nodded and walked to the washroom

I did as told on the instructions said on the packet

I held my hairs between my fingers as I felt my stomach churn 5 minutes went quickly and I stood up from my place I closed my eyes hovering over the sink my breathing was heavy I slowly opened my eyes and glanced towards the results I felt myself become light headed the first one was negative second positive third negative fourth and fifth were positive and I felt my knees collapse underneath as my breathing sped and my heartbeats raced I'M PREGNANT!

I bursted out sobbing my head in my hands I was pulling my hairs forcefully in anger

Insha opened the door and rushed towards me and engullfed me in an tight hug

"Sshhh Diana everything will be okay don't worry it will be fine" she assured but I knew nothing is gonna be fine my life is messed up I'm messed up

How is Harry going to react no I won't tell him but how I..I.. What the hell m I going to do

I sobbed more and more

"Diana come with me you need to calm down we will talk about this later you need to take rest" I nodded and got up I collapsed on the bed and burried my face into the pillow

"I'm home" I heard Harry say as he opened the door

I didn't move I knew I was crying the whole time I have to be strong I can't tell him everything now

"Hey" Harry sat beside me on the bed

I burried my face deeply in the pillow and mumbled "Harry let me sleep"

"Okay love take rest I will be back after some time" he said and kissed the top my head

As soon as he shut the door I burried and looked at myself in the mirror
My eyes were red puffy my face dropped down into sadnesss

I sat at the corner of the room everything in my life was messed up I brought my legs to my chest I rolled up into a ball and sat there realizing how my condition is and will be

Harry will never accept this kid
But I can't him the child has done nothing wrong he doesn't deserve this
And Harry doesn't deserve this either he gave me all the love he loved me truly he protected me and was there for me and what I m doing is ...

No Diana you need to tell him you have to tell him

no I can't tell him I don't have the confidence to tell him he is so happy I don't have the right to this to him

Well then the last option I have is to go away

What? No away from one Direction away from Harry away from everyone

Yes yes this is right everyone here has loved me more than I deserve no one needs to bear this its me who has to

I will go away!


I'm now worried is she going to tell harry?
Is she okay now?
I need to find it out

I went to her room I tried opening the door but it was locked
Weird she never locks her door

"Diana open the door"..

"What happened Insha is everything okay?" I turned to see Harry

"Harry why is this door locked Diana is inside right?" I questioned and he nodded saying "yes she is but she was sleeping then how come the door got locked?"

"I don't know"

"Diana sweetie please open the door" we both banged on door after 2 minutes finally the door flew open and Diana came out dressed casually with a jeans and a tanktop and her hairs were perfectly let in a ponytail and her eyes were all okay but she was crying 30 minutes ago makeup I guess

Harry hugged her saying "are you okay now?"

She nodded a yes and smiled at him

Why is she so normal?
What is going on?..

I have to figure out!

Author's note

Another update and suspense!
Won't be updating for 2 days now..enjoy this chapter!..

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