chapter 42

653 22 2

Diana's (pov)

The car ride was silent..
Harry was busy with his phone and zayn and riddhi wore busy talking...

We reached to the club in no time..
Thankfully fans didn't recognize any of us as it was a bit dark now..

We made our way to the bar counter

"Let's drink!" Zayn said..

"Okay you all drink I dont drink and so I will be the one who will drive you back!" Riddhi said..

"Okay mam!" Zayn said...

"Atleast take some juice babe" I told riddhi and she nodded..

We ordered our drinks..

After 3 drinks I was drunk I couldn't handle much..

The beats of the music caught me to the edge ..and I started tapping me feet ..

"Wanna dance?" Harry asked...

"Yes!" I have exclaimed

We both got the dance floor..
I loved dancing it was one of my hobbies...

Some slutty boys tried coming near me..I moved a step far but was no use I couldn't see Harry I was drunk my vision was blurry..

"Hey lil girl wanna dance?" One of the boys asked in his irritating tone of shitty voice..

"Get the fuck away from her!" A voice from my back screamed which I assumed was Harry...

The boy pulled me towards himself and I struggled to get out of his grip..

"I said get the fuck away leave her!" Harry yelled which turned everyone's attention towards us..

"Who the hell are you? I will do what I want!" He said making the grip tighter on my hand..

"Harry!" I whispered I had no strength I was drunk and was weak..

Harry stepped forward and his punch collided with the boy's jawline which made me out free from his grip.

Harry pulled me towards himself and hugged me tight

"Are you OK? Did he do anything before I was here?" He asked while rubbing my back so that I could stop crying..

"No Th..thank you " I managed to say those words and made my grip around Harry's neck tighter..

"What the fuck, you will pay for this later!" That boy yelled while running out as the cops were stepping towards us..

"Sir mam are you okay?" One of the cops asked

"Yea we are!" Harry said in a harsh tone!..

"Harry Diana I'm sorry coming here was a bad idea I think we should go!" Zayn said as he walked towards us with one hand on riddhis shoulder who helped him to walk as he was drunk..

"No zayn its not your faults its all the slutty boys now lets go!" Riddhi said..and walked out with zayn..

Harry intertwined his fingers with mine..and we headed towards the exit..

"Harry i.." I was cutted off by harry

He slammed me on the wall and in no time his lips wore on mine..

I was drunk I couldn't think what was going on I didn't care of anything right now I missed him,my hands tugged in his hairs and our lips moving in a perfect sinc,his mouth tasted like the alcohol,that taste was heavenly,his tongue sliding down into mine.

He pulled off me to breath..

"Dian i..I" Harry started but I cutted him of by hugging him tight..

"Harry thank you thank you so much I..I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there and I ain't feeling well I don't want to talk about anything happened now just take me home pleasee harry" I begged burrying my face in his chest..

"Shhh calm down baby I will take you home now don't worry!"

I felt so warm in his arms the perfect place I thought I could stay like that for my entire life because I know he will never let anything happen to me..

Wait what m I thinking he doesn't love me!
Then why did he kiss you?
My inner voice asked..
I don't know might be because he was drunk..
So that means this kiss doesn't meant anything to him..
My heart aches on the thought of it..
Yes I agree I have feelings towards Harry but that's not important that he should feel the same towards us!..

We were in the car Harry's hand was still in mine he didn't left it even once since we exited the club..

I was staring out of the window..and soon I felt my eyes getting heavy..

"Dia we are here!" I heard Harry say as he opened the door for me..

"Ohh uhmm thnks " I tried getting up but I was feeling weak I trumbled out on my feet when I got up
Harry caught me to my waist and pulled me towards his chest

"Are you ok?"he asked...

"Yeah"I replied I walked towards the apartment

He followed me till I got in my room..

" Diana you haven't eaten anything atleast have your dinner.."riddhi yelled walking towards us..

"I'm not feeling like eating anything I uhmm wanna take some rest I will eat it afterwards sorry" I said and she nodded in agreement and left..

"I will call you to the living room after some time till then you can take a nap.." Harry said in a low tone..

"Thanks!" I said and closed the door...

My head ached
I laid on the bed I didn't care for changing my clothes I just slipped the sheets over my body and drifted off to sleep...

"This kiss meant nothing to him!"


"But I love him!"
"But he doesn't!"

"He loves ...

I got up with sweat on my forehead
It was a dream.
The thought of Harry loving anyone.. Caused fear to my feelings..

" Diana" I heard Harry saying while he knocked on the door..

"Yes Harry I will be out in 10 minutes.." I replied and quickly got up..and went to the bathroom to get freshn up..
I wored my pajamas ...and a T-shirt..

"Are you feeling OK now?" Harry asked..he was waiting on the door from 15 minutes

"Yes Harry I'm fine you didn't needed to wait here for me" I said and smiled..

"No problem I was worried!" He said..

He was worried for me!

Author's note!
Hie readers..
Do you like my new cover?
Because I love it thanks navikaur373 for it...

So guyz they kissed !..
I will try for an double update today love you all readers..

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