chapter 31

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Diana's (POV)

"Where were you both!?" I asked to niall and ishi

"Uhmm nowhere just went for a walk" niall replied facing ishita who was extremely happy and was crying?

"Ishita why the hell are you crying?" I asked.

"Nothing uhmm guys can we go home me and niall have something to talk on" ishita said...

"Uhmm okay guys Liam and Lou are drunk so niall and Harry please take them to the car." I said even I was drunk but could handle myself ..

Harry helped Lou till the car..
And niall helped Liam till we girls were seated waiting for come back...

Harry and niall entered .

"Uhmm let's go girls" Harry said.

"Yeah" we all said in unison..

Harry was driving the car so I took the passenger seat...
And niall ishita and Insha was sitting behind us and Liam an Lou were already driffted off to sleep in the car ....

The car ride was silent it wasn't an awkward silence but the needed silence,we all needed it.

We soon reached..
And we got to the apartment.
Harry and niall helped Liam and Lou till their beds...

We took our seats in the living room....

"So you wanted to talk?" Harry asked pointing on to ishita who was busy playing with niall's hairs as she was sitting on his laps.

"Ohh uhmm yeah" ishita said and took a seat next to niall..

"She met Kate" niall said.
Causing me and Harry to widen our eyes and stare at them..

I looked at Harry who was still shocked.
I was confused if ishita met Kate then why is she so happy?.

"Soo?" I asked...

"Uhmm the thing happened was I went out for taking up some air and uhmm..I met Kate she started saying I love you and I want you back  she came up running and hugged me
and that's when ishita came out
She thought something wrong I tried to stop her...then kate said 'we are gonna get married and he doesn't love you so stay away' With this ishita went running and I ran behind her.I wanted to ask this in other way but seeing situation I just asked her that if she would like to marry me.She said yes....but we aren't gonna get married as she is still studying so, I ll just make her wear the ring and prove to world that she is mine..."niall said and inhaled some oxygen.

"Calm down niall slow down" I said.

"Well that's an great news" Harry said and we all started clapping.

"So when is the engagement..?" Insha asked...

"Uhmm I don't know I guess that it will be on next Sunday as we have an off that day" Niall said...

"Can we please sleep now I'm sleepy!" Ishita blurted out in a childesh way and hugged niall and we all laughed on her kiddishness..

"Okay okay let's go and sleep now gunnight guys" niall and ishita said and headed to their room...

Insha seemed a bit sad....

"Come on girls don't wanna sleep?" Harry asked...

"No Harry you sleep I wanna talk to Insha about something" I said and Insha faced me in confusion...

"Okay good night love and good night Insha" Harry said.

Geez why does be call me that.
It makes me blush...

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