chapter 34

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Diana's (POV)

What has happened?!

The only question in my mind...
We didn't say anything there was silence filled in the car!..
I was curious to know ...
About the matter..

After a couple of minutes we reached ..

The driver stopped the car...
And we stepped out..
Harry intertwined his fingers with mine reassuring me and saying to calm down as I was really worried

We reached our apartment and knocked at the door

"Ohh Harry is here guys.." Liam said as he opened the door..

I walked in and saw Simon cowell,Liam,niall,louis sitting on the sofa...

And Insha and ishita sat on the other side...

Everyone were silent in the room..
It was awkward "ughhh I hate awkward situations!.."

"Soo??" Harry asked wanting to receive the answer!..

"Uhmm I'm sorry Harry I ruined your date...with this beautiful young lady" Simon said pointing at me.

I giggled at the wrd beautiful hehe

"Not a problem sir.." I said politely

Harry and I took a seat in front of them...

"What's going on guyz will you just tell us?" I asked.....

"Diana its uhm its" Liam shuttered..

"Say it" I slated

"Zayn is coming!" He said in a low voice

Woah zayn?why? I remember he left the group before 1 and an half year!..
They had fights...and stuff ...
But why is he coming to meet them??

Questions kept popping in my mind...

Simon broke the silence saying..
"He called me today he sounded broken!..I was scared at first but I think boyz we are a family aren't we?"

"Yes yes we are!" All four boyz said in union..

We girls just kept silent and listening to their talks..

"Yeah so he wasn't sounding good!..he was shattered...he said he wants to meet up with you guyz immediately!" Simon said..

"And he is on the way!" Lou added

I don't know why they were tensed yeah I can understand it was hard for them too...the time zayn left was just messirable...

I remember I cried all cried!...

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door...causing our eyes widen knowing who is on the door...

"You go" Lou said to harry

"No you go" Harry said to niall

"No you" niall said to Liam..

Liam atlast got up and went to open the door

"Hey mate" he greeted zayn with a hug..

Zayn hugged back...
All seemed to be a bit fine now...

"Come take a seat!.." Liam instructed..zayn..

"Thanks!" Zayn said..

He looks tired it looks like he have cried..
His eyes are red....

"Uhmm mate you okay??" Harry asked looking at zayn..

"Yeah I'm good haz!" He replied...

Zayn's (POV)

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