chapter 65

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Diana's (POV)

We entered our room our hands still intertwined

He turned his gaze to me and opened his mouth to say something but stopped and walked away..

I stood their waiting for him to say something but all I could hear was silence

He walked out of the room and my heart dropped..

He didn't stay..he..he left the room
Is he still mad at me..
No he can't be he said it's alright but..why did he leave me alone?

My thoughts were disturbed by him entering the room again with a pair of sweat pants and t-shirts I mentally kicked my self he went to get his clothes! I'm so dumb

"You okay?" Said Harry

"Yeah,I will be back" I said and he nodded I quickly changed into pajamas and hopped onto the bed next to him..he was busy with his phone

Is he really happy with the baby?
Should I ask him?
But he said he is..
But it's going to harm his career the fans will probably freak out..
Should..I..uhhggg why is it so difficult

"Diana you okay?" He asked with his concerned expression..

"Yeah i'm just..uuhhh..tired" I said and closed my eyes

He hugged me tightly

"Baby I know it's hard but we have to do this? We can fight and trust me I'm beyond happy with this baby and i:'m so excited to tell it to everyone" he said like a kid with enthusiasm in his voice

"Harry..I love you" I said and burried my face into his chest

"And I you di" he said and kissed my forehead

we laid on the bed and soon my eye lids felt heavy and i drifted of to sleep

The next morning was greated by harry's arm snuggled up around my waist 

i tried moving out but his grip nut instead his grip got tighter and his eyes fluttered open

"good morning love"his beautiful raspy voice said

"gud morning" i whispered

i checked my phone and shit.. i was late for class

"harry i'm late"

"for what?"

"for class stupid"

"you arent going"


"diana you are pregnant you cant take stress you get that??"

"but harry i havent even started properly yet and now here i'm taking so many holiday and now this loo i can handle myself okay? you dont have to worry so much harry please?"

"but diana its not good for you and for the baby"

"i promise i will not take much stress and will take care okay?"


"i love you"

"and i love you"he chuckled and let go of me i walked to the bathroom and got a nice long bath

I entered the room with a towel wrapped around my body mg eyes searched for the green emerald eyes but they were nowhere in sight

He might have been in his room


I quickly changed into my regular clothes a nice floral top with a tight blue jeans and my makeup was minimum as I was not a makeup lover..I put my hairs into a messy pony tail and grabbed my bag

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