chapter 32

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Diana's (POV)

I woke up to the noise of annoying alarm.
It was 6:00 in morning.
I had to go for the interview today.
Soon I got up and went to take a bath.

I got ready in thirty minutes.

I was wearing an pink tank top..
With an denim,
I kept my makeup simple..
Just a little compact and masacara..
I did my hair in a messy pony tail...

I soon walked off my room.

"Hmm so how m I going to get to the university.." I muttered to myself..

I didn't have an car neither I knew the routes.

So I decided to ask Harry if he could tell me the route.

I knocked the door of Harry's room..

No response.
I knocked it once more time still no response..
I twisted the doorknob..
It was open so I entered his room...

His face was buried in the pillows
He was sleeping like a baby
So cute he was ....

I walked up till his bed...
And called out his name..

"Uhmm Harry? Harry can you please wake up?" I asked ..

Still no reply...

I tried the same twice still no reply..

I then yelled in his ears.
"Harry Edward styles gett up!"

He got up in shock..
With his eyes wide.

I bursted out laughing at his sudden expression.

"What the hell dia " he said annoyed..

"Aww I'm sorry Mr.styles but I have to go for my interview today which is in one hour and I don't know the route can you please tell me the route I don't wanna get late." I said...

"I will drop you" he said

"Are you sure.?" I asked.

"Yeah sure just give me fivr minutes he said and got up from the bed.

"Ohh god!"I gasped

He was not wearing his clothes..

I quickly shut my eyes with my hands...

" what?" He asked...

"Harry just go fast you are not wearing your clothes ..

"Ohh oops m soryy I have a habbit of sleeping without clothes..

He quickly got up and started walking towards the bathroom...

I couldn't help myself after all his body was just so approaching...

I just couldn't keep my eyes close i was staring him..

"Don't stare me dia!" He said while entering the bathroom.

I blushed and my cheeks turned a crimson red.

What! Nowadays i blush really quick...

After ten minutes he stepped out...

With a loose towel wrapped around his waist...

His abs.oh my god..

"Like what you see?" He asked...and I blushed.

I stayed silent I was just admiring his moves ..

Wait why m I doing that!?
I don't like him.
Or do I?..

I was shooked by Harry causing me to come to the real world again...

"Let's go" Harry said grabbing his car keys...

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