chapter 52!

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Harry's (POV)

What is happening?
What did her mother do to her?
I don't know much about her family but yeah now I have to know
I guess Insha will help me into this!

I quickly went to Insha's room which was obviously empty
How dumb I'm
She would definitely be with lou!..
I rushed to Louis room and slamed the door open shouting insha's name
Both were kissing!

"Guyz atleast lock the room before doing such things!" I teased and Insha's face turned red

"You should knock Mr.gentleman!" Lou scolled and sat on the edge of the bed

"Why are you here anyway?" He asked turning his gaze to me

"Insha I want you to tell me everything about Diana each and everything past present friends mom dad boy friend each damm fucking thing" I said

"Alright calm down Harry calm down I will tell you everything but you first tell me what's going on I heard that she was crying when you all left she didn't even talk to me about the things which happened today .." Insha said and took a seat next to Lou who was deeply listening to our conversation

"Insha I will tell you everything when I know about it just fucking tell me yeah?" I angrily growled and Lou shoot me a glare from the opposite side

I dragged a chair in front of the bed and sat and demanded Insha to tell me everything

She started to tell me from day 1 of her and Diana's meeting

Insha's (POV)

I met Diana when I shifted here from India because my dad got transfered in Mexico we used to go school together and spend each minute together we wore best of friends..
That was day when she first told me about James she said he was the best boy ever the boy of her dreams the love of her life she was madly in love with him..
I knew about him from the first day of college and trust me I didn't like him at all but as far my best friend did I'm okay with it but I decided if he hurts her then he should be ready to get his ass beat down
After that day Diana started spending more time with James and less with me which made me worried yeah we stayed side by side but still there wasn't much contact between us
One fine day I reached home from college I stepped out of my car and bear yelling,crying noises from diana's house
I rushed to her door and banged on it yelled her name but no use
Luckily I knew she used to keep a spare key below the flower pot outside the door
I quickly slamed the door and rushed to the place from were the noises wore coming from
I entered the kitchen and saw Diana helplessly lying on the floor crying and yelling for help
Her cousin mat was standing by the corner of the kitchen table seeing her crying in lain but not doing anything
Her mom slapped her when I entered and all of them turned their gazes on me
"Stop it Mrs.summers" I yelled and stepped in between Diana and her mom blocking them

"Who are you to make me stop get out from here!" She yelled and stepped forward

"Just stop where you are Mrs.summers I respect you but that doesn't mean I will let you hurt her!" I said and hold her up with me

I dragged her out of her house and brought her upto my house I made her sit while she was sobbing and shivering and crying..

I went into my kitchen to bring some water for her. What I saw next, literally broke my heart. She had broken a the glass jar, and one sharp broken piece of the glass was in her hand near her another wrist. Tears had stopped brimming down her face and her face was blank and her eyes were just on her wrist.

I quickly rushed to her and took the glass from her hand. She got snapped from my act.

"Are you Insane?" I shouted at her. I was in verge of tears but anyhow controlled my tears.

"In-nsha..." She trailed off crying. She enveloped me in a hug and started sobbing in my shoulders.

"Don't cry girl, tell me what happened?" And I started telling her some soothing words. She calmed after some time. She pulled away from the hug

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked her. She nodded.

"I and James had a fight yesterday. I was angry on him because of his all over-protectiveness and controlling thing. Today he came to make up with me. He pleaded me sorry and forgive him and all. I at last forgive him. Then after some time we started making out.

At the same time my mom slammed the door and caught us making out. James and I pulled away and both looked shocked. Our eyes were widened at my mum. I could see the same reaction on my mom's face.

She yelled at me that what the hell was I doing and told James to get out. He looked at me and then gave a bad glare to my mom, making the situation worse. James slammed the front door and exited my house leaving me in a complete messed up situation.

My mother came forward towards me. I opened my mouth to tell something, but till that time her hands already reached my face making me fall into my knees." With that she started sobbing again. I checked her cheeks, they were bruised. Her mother had hit her very hard, I could see. I soothed her and she continued.

"Then my mother told me that how could I break her trust. She warned me if I ever saw James again, she won't hesitate to take more actions and then you came and saved me" she ended and sobbed quitly I felt bad for her like how could james leave her like this I'm gonna have a talk with him for sure!

Till then her mother was in my house which caused her to flinch and I stood between her and her mom to protect her from the lady..

"Mrs.summers pleasee don't be so mean to her don't hurt her physically you can talk but don't beat her pleasee or I won't hesitate to call the cops!" I defended

"I..okay listen Diana what ever happened was wrong you know I don't want you to be with anyone and you were literally making out with that boy! So I lossed it I'm sorry for slapping you can you come home now??"she said in a soothing tone

I looked at Diana who had stopped crying and was staring deeply at her mother who was beating her minutes ago

"can we go Diana?"her mother insisted

Diana looked at me asking for permission and I nodded understanding

After that they left and I ran out searching for James!

Author's note

Well well well flashback is still remaining and I'm sure you will love it...
Till then enjoy this chapter!


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