chapter 45

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A:N -- I'm soo sorry I didn't update on my cuppy cakes bday! But uhmm I made up for it thank Hazel_Feathers for this hehe..♥ love ya tomo thank you so much...♥


Harry's (POV)

Today is the day!
I can't control anymore!
I will tell her
Should i?
Will she except?

I'm still confused what should I do now?
I'm ready yes I'm I will tell her today..
I hope she say's yes!
I can't wait any longer now...

She was staring out the window...
Without speaking a word..

I'm gonna make today special and then show her my feelings towards her in the evening..

"Har.." She tried to say

"No not at all don't even ask me where we are going!" I said focusing on the drive way

"Uhhhggg you are so kiddish" she said patting my hand playfully

Yeah yeah I'm the kid who is made for you!

Today is the day!
I am not able to keep my emotions inside of me anymore....not at least when I see her beautiful face everyday! My feelings towards her grows more and more every second!
I'll tell her that I love her...!
Should I? Yes!

I can only hope for the positive. Am I ready to face whatever she answers.

She was staring out of the window and engrossed in her thoughts. I wonder if she likes me back. Today she'll feel special. I'll make her feel special.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked breaking the silence. She turned to look at me.

"I won't get the answer. So leave," She said rolling her eyes. Why does she thinks so?

"Ask me." Her eyes shine bright and her lips formed a smile.

"Where are we g-" She said but I cut her off.

"Oops...You were right you wont get the answer," I teased. She pouted and I laughed.

"Harry?" She called me after some moments.

"Say but if you are asking me again where are we going. You know you'll not get the answer," I said.

"Okay, but Harry a Hint. Please" She made a puppy dog face. It was hard to say 'no' to her but I'll stand my ground.

I shook my head and she sighed.

"Talk to me. Curiousness is eating me away," She begged.

"Okay, Okay!" I chuckled.

"Tell me your favorite song," I asked her.

"Little things by my favorite band One Direction," She said with a cheeky smile. I chuckled at her.

"From when did you start fangirling with me?" I asked her giggling.

"I'm sorry. But when it comes to One Direction, I can't control talking about it," She laughed it off.

"Okay," I smiled at her. Should I ask her whose her favorite band member? If she says my name, it can give me some confidence.

"Whose your favorite band mate then?" I asked without thinking twice. She looked at me and a blush formed in her cheeks. Maybe its me? I thought selfishness creeping inside of me.

"Harry Styles," She said blushing and looking at me. I was dancing on my mind.

"Okay," I said. I switched the radio on. Thinking out loud by Ed was playing on.

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