chapter 42

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Diana's (pov)

"It's OK I was worried!" Harry said..

He was worried for me!

Those words playing in my mind making me think some unimaginastic things...
I wish they wore true..

"Hey Diana you okay now?" Zayn asked as we entered in the kitchen..

"Yeah I'm fine thanks..." I said and took a seat next to Harry..on the dining table..

Niall ishita Lou and Insha were still not home..

I wonder what they are doing till has been 4 hours now!..

"I'm sorry Diana it was a bad idea.." I heard zayn he ate a bite of his spagetthi..

"Zayn its not your fault and I'm fine don't be sorry okay?" I said while giving him a assuring smile..

"Thanks.." He said and smiled..

"Okay guyz I have to go now its pretty late..." Riddhi said..

Yeah it was too late for her to go alone...

"Will you go alone ?" Harry asked her...

"Yes Harry I will..don't worry" she replied to him

"No you are not going alone I will come to drop you" zayn said getting up from his seat

"No zayn its fine.." She said

After 5 minutes of arguing riddhi made her mind to go with zayn

They left the house after 10 minutes after waving good bye to us

So its only me and Harry in the house now...

"Uhmm dia?" Harry said


"You okay?"

"Yup I'm fine Harry!"

"Actually I ..I wanted to talk with you.." He said sitting up weirdly..

The air between us was full of awkwardness I couldn't take this I hate it..

"Yes Harry say?" I said

"What did the kiss mean to you?" He quickly asked turning his face to me and staring into my eyes..

Shit no

Not now I'm weak I ain't feeling good yeah I wanna know what the kiss meant to him but no because I'm still not fully sobered ...

"Harry I.."

"No its okay if you don't want to answer" he said and turned back to face his food disappointment clear in his eyes..

"No harry its that I actually.. I'm not feeling good now can we talk about this tomorrow pleasee harry i'm really sorry " I quickly apologized and closed my eyes forcefully...for a minute..

God damm it why the hell is this so hard? Why cant I talk with him normally..

He hopped out of his seat..and I turned to face him..
He cupped my face with both his hands and said "hey hey its alright you don't need to say sorry for this okay? It's perfectly fine I know you aren't well..and I am the stupid one who asked this question to you now! I'm sorry di! "

His touch sent chills to my spine..

"Ha..Harry..I..i" I opened my mouth to say but before I could say anything he kissed me on my forehead..
And said.
"Ssshhh now don't say anything go and have a nice sleep we will definitely talk about this tomorrow.."

"O..okay"I managed to say and he pulled his hands off from my face..

Uhhggg I stripped my T-shirt tightly because I immediately missed his touch..

Soon there was a knock on the door..

Harry ran to open it..

"Hey haz"niall said while he entered with ishita leaning onto his shoulders with their hands intertwined with each other....

"Hey what happened to her is she she drunk?" Harry asked in confusion

"Yeah she is..." Niall said and didn't wait for answering any more questions and leaved to his bed room giving me and Harry a apologizing look..

"Harry I.." I was cutted off by Lou who entered running through the lobby..

"Harry save me from her!" Lou shouted and stepped back of Harry..
Insha cane running through the door with her nose that was covered with ice cream?..

"Lou you are gone now!" She said stepping forward to grab him with the chocolate ice cream in her hands

"What did you do lou?" I and Harry laughed at their childishness..

"Look what he did!!" Insha shouted

"I was just having some fun but now she is spoling my handsome face!" Lou puted like a child

"Oh come on you too now go and clean up this mess you have caused..!" Harry said .and grabbed my hand and dragged me towards my room..

"Now you go and sleep!" He said while opening the door for me

"Ohh Harold thank you!" I teased and entered my room..

"You will pay for it later dia good night!"

"Goodnight harry"..

Author's note
A bit short I'm sorry but guyz history music video is out
It came out yesterday but lazy me..
I'm sorry pleasee view it and refresh not replay because we love our boyz don't we..??
Hope you like this chapter..
Love you..

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