chapter 55

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Diana's (POV)

I woke up to the sunshine striking over my face..and the first thing I saw after opening my eyes was an innocent cute looking Harry sleeping in front of me his arms wrapped around me tightly without leaving any space between us..

The memories from last night started flooding in my mind he makes me feel so good he makes me forget everything and I love him for that..

I didn't move i kept my eyes on his beautiful face ...

I checked the time it was 6:00 in the morning and it's a Monday!

Shit it's a Monday my classes starts from today shit shit shit!

I tried moving out of harry's grip without waking him up..
But as I struggled out of his grip it became tightened and his eyes fluttered open

"Good morning babe" he said in his raspy morning voice

"Good morning Harold" I teased

"So you want me to punish you early in the morning today?" He asked lying on top of me and staring straight into my eyes..

I wanted to kiss him but I was getting Late for classes and I wouldn't afford to be late for classes on the very first day

"Harry sorry pleasee now let me go I have classes starting today" I said

"Okay but first I want a good morning kiss" he growled in his childish tone which I love

"No Harry I'm getting late"I said avoiding to make eyes contact with him because I will eventually fail denying him

"Then you aren't allowed to go" he said

Harry's (POV)

"No Harry I'm getting late"she said

"Then you aren't allowed to go" i said

The next thing I knew, she had slammed her lips to mine and nearly knocked all wind from my lungs.
I hardly had a moment to react before she pressed her tongue to the seam of my lips and at my grant of access delved inside my mouth It was a very sloppy kiss the intermingling of our billowing breaths.

"Happy?" She said when she pulled apart

"Woah you have become very horny I see" I teased and her cheeks turned red on that comment

I let her go and she quickly entered the bathroom without saying a word

I hope she is okay after last night 

I have decided if her mother comes here I will not let her take her away from me.
She is mine!

With that, the bathroom door clicked open and came a beautiful Diana dressed only in a towel wrapped around her naked body her hairs were wet.

She turns me on I can't control myself when I'm with her innocence sweetness cuteness makes me love her more and more each time..

Diana's (POV)

I have to make it fast or else I'm gonna be late
I quickly showered and stepped out of the shower.
I thought harry must be out till now but when I entered he was still sitting on the couch with his phone in hands

His eyes met mine and I blushed while his jaw dropped seeeing me

"Staring is a bad habbit!" I teased

"Oh I see" he said and got up from the couch and followed me to the dresser

"Harry I have to change!" I scolded him

"No Diana you know what today I don't feel like doing anything so you just stay at home I want to spend today with you pleasee?" He pleaded with those puppy dog eyes but no Diana its your first day you can't miss it

"No Harry its my first day today I can't miss it I promise I will come home soon and spend some quality time with you" I said and took out a white shirt followed by a dark blue jeans I decided to keep my look simple..

"But Diana" Harry started but I didn't let him finish

"Pleasee Harry pleasee?" I said and he grabbed me from behind tightly nudging me neck with his noes his touch felt so nice I can't control myself when Harry is near me neither can he ..

"Okay" he whispered into my neck

I sighed and pushed him away and grabbed my stuff.
I glanced at him his face dropped when I pushed him he made a sad childish face which I decided to ignore or else i ll not be able to control.

I changed in 5 minutes and was ready to go it was 7:00 o clock which meant I still had 30 minutes to go

I still don't know the correct route to the university.

"Harry will you drop me to the university?"I asked while he was sitting on the bed

"Yep sure give me 10 minutes I will be back "he said and walked out of the room.

I quickly packed my bag and went to the living room

I decided to skip my breakfast as it was getting Late..

Harry entered after 5 minutes he was dressed in a grey tank top and black jeans and as usual his hairs wore messy

"let's go"he said and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit

* * * * *

We reached the university after 10 minutes of drive Harry showed me the routes

"hanks Harry"I said while I climbed out of the car

"Your welcome babe i will miss you" he said

"Aww I will miss you too my Harold" I said and liked my tongue out I love to tease him the way his face takes an childish twist is what I love about him the most..

I leaned in from the window and gave a quick Peck on his cheeks he srunched his nose and said "no I want a proper kiss"

"Harry" I scolded and turned to walk towards the university

"Bye love you" he yelled from the car

"Love you to" I whispered to myself and the memory of Harry saying "i love you" to me flooded in my mind which made me feel a little more good

Harry's (POV)

It's just been 30 minutes And damm I'm missing her soo much

I drived to the apartment
The time I reached I could hear some talking noises coming from inside
I rushed towards the door and slammed it open

Their was a lady sitting on the couch and Louis,Insha,niall,zayn,riddhi,ishita were sitting on the couch everyones faces were frowned and a pinch of astonishment and confusion was clear

"Hi guyz who is this lady?" I politely asked while entering the room

Everyones faces lightned up when I entered the room

"Harry thank God you are here where were you where is Diana?" Louis swarmed me with questions

"Woah calm down I went to drop her at the university its her first day today" I said and turned my gaze to the lady who was glaring at me

She was dressed in a posh manner with a white floral top and her hairs were neatly done overall the whole dress of her was white

"Harry she is diana's mom" Insha said
And my heart skipped a moment


Author's note

I twist coming soon stay tuned


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