chapter 51

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Diana's (POV)

Soon the concert was over
With all the madness happiness craziness..
After the incident that Harry made happen to me my mood was best than the ever I soo much wanna grab him and kiss him hard ..

We wore heading towards the dressing room were the boys were supposed to be..

I opened the door to see all the boys sweating and shirtless and on top of each other

"Boys what are you upto?" Ishita angrily asked seeing her niall on the bottom of everyone crying in pain

"Chill ishi they are just playing" Insha assured ishita

"No just look at him! Get off now!" She demanded and everyone quickly got off niall who was smiling widely seeing his girlfriend care for him soo much

"I love you" he said to her while hugging her tightly

"I love you too but you are sweating and its too much smelly" ishita said in disguise scrunching on her nose

Everyone started laughing while niall pouted

"I hate you all" he said acting like a child

"Come on Neil we love you" Liam assured


My mind strucked and I nearly forgot that I had to talk with Liam..

I will ask him now in some time..

"Okay now guys we have to get going" Liam said and everyone nodded..

Harry was staring at me continuously from the side

You should go and give him a kiss now!
Uhhgg my mind just can't keep calm when it comes to Harry
Go now look how sad he is
Alright alright
I went to Harry who was smiling at me widely
"I missed you" I said pulling him in a tight hug and burrying my face into his chest I don't care even if he is sweaty as hell he is still the best thing I have ever had!

"And I you" he whispered in my ear kissing my skin below my ear which caused me to flinch he has an great effect on me..

"Come in now I'm sleepy and tired and hungry" he yawned and rested his hand on my waist pulling me closer everyone wore busy changing and doing stuff

"Alright which car?" I asked as we headed towards the parking lot we came out first rest of them were still inside

A group of girls caught us and came running swarming us with questions

Ohh my god Harry styles I'm such a huge fan I love you soo much pleasee can I get a autograph and a picture

Oh god is it true Harry styles I love you will you marry me

The last one stuck in my mind for a second but nah I wasn't jealous after all she is fan and yeah I was the same that time..

"Sure girls why not he will definitely give you autographs and click pictures" I answered for Harry

"Aww you both look so cute together!"
"Can I get a picture with you too??"

The girls asked and in no time Harry signed all their books and gave them some cheeky cute pics they wore happy ...

"Thank you so much" the girl said and hugged me
"Your welcome sweetie"I said and turned back to Harry who was already in the car before anyone else could spot him.

"soo??"I asked as I climbed up in the car

"Uhmm everyone are in their way just wait for 5 minutes" he said and shook his phone in his pockets turning his gaze to me

"Did I tell you how much I love you?" He asked leaning in and joining our foreheads

"Yes you did" I whispered

My phone buzzed in my pocket which disturbed our moment

"Answer it!" Harry smiled and I nodded

It's mom!

Oh my god in all this rush I nearly forgot to call her and tell her everything


Me- hie mom

Mom- Diana what is this?


Mom-i heard about Harry styles asking you to be his girlfriend!

Shit the news got so virled in no time and my mom doesn't like those things even when I was with James I faced so many problems regarding this things..
And she will never let me stay here now

Me - mom..I..I.can explain

Mom- just shut up okay? Is this what for you went their?I thought you are a studious innocent girl who cared about her mom dad but look at you!

Me- mom I'm sorry just Listen to me once

Mom-no I'm not going to listen to anything come back now!wherever you are staying! Just come back!

Me - mom I can't my classes are going to start from Monday please mom just let me explain!

Mom- no if you aren't coming then I'm coming to take you

She hanged up saying those lines
Till that time I was sobbing quietly

"Why are you crying dia?" Harry asked looking at me deep in confusion.

" mom she is coming here to take me back!"I cried loudly

"Sshhh calm down want to go with her?"he asked looking deeply into my eyes

"What no I love you harry" I sobbed harder he pulled me by his chest and rested his chin on top of my head and calmed me down..

"I will never let anyone pull us apart okay? Don't worry I love you" he whispered when everyone climbed in the car and caught me crying

They all asked questions but I wasn't in the state to answer anyone if them

The thought of losing Harry caused me to cry even more
Because I know what my parents will do to pull us apart it has happened first and the history will repeat

No you can't let them handle your life!

Yes I can't but what will I do?..
I haven't even started with my classes yet ...
I hate this why this has to happen now when I was so happy so in love

We drove to the apartment in silence none of us spoke a word in the car.

Zayn stopped by riddhi's house to drop her.

We reached in 10 minutes
I didn't even realize we reached I was soo deeply thinking and sobbing in Harry's arms..

"We are here babe" he said and pulled behind to help me climb off the car

I helplessly hopped out and walked till the door..
My legs felt weak Harry opened the door for me..and in no time I rushed to my bed room crying hard as I stepped in the room...
I looked into the washroom mirror my eyse were puffed red and my makeup was no longer on ..
I washed my face in disguise

I want me and Harry to be together forever!

You have to fight for it!

Author's note!

Hello readerz

so so so a new twist coming stay tuned for more


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