chapter 77

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Hello people there was a problem in the last chapter so I will prefer you to reread it once please sorry for the inconvenience

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Diana's (POV)

*At the air port*

I stepped out the plane and sighed in a relief, I was able to escape without being caught this time. I'm happy as hell well as I'm not happy, but yeah I'm happy that now Harry will be able to have a normal life once again..

I went out and called Damien for asking where he is.

After waiting for ten minutes I decided to take a taxi till the shop.

As soon as i stepped out of the airport there stood Damien.

His hair having curl locks at the end similar to Harry's but not as good as him, he was dressed in a t-shirt and skinny jeans.

"Hey Diana I missed you so much.." He said as he greeted me with a tight hug.

"Me to dam, well shall we get going? I'm tired as hell."

"Sure dia, by the way I know about Harry and you it was all over newspapers today"

My heart dropped when he said that.
Why this has to happen now.

"Well it doesn't matter now let's get going please."

"Sure Diana, I just want you to know I'm always there if you need anything." he said.

I smiled and walked till the path..

"This car is yours?" I gasped, he owned a black BMW that seemed so new.

"Uh yeah" he said while rubbing his neck that habbit was developed by Harry because of me, oh good olden days.

Diana stop thinking about Harry.

Uh yeah focus Diana.

"Nice let's go?"

"Yeah sure" he said and we hopped in the car.

Harry's (POV)

"She is gone, Louis she is gone..she will never come back I will never know where she is and for fucks sake she is fucking pregnant." I said while I jolted with anger.

Everything was so wrong.

I ran towards my room and locked it

I love you Diana and I always will.


"He haven't eaten anything since two days, Louis he just walkes out sits with everyone denies to eat anything and goes back into the room. I'm worried Louis, I'm so fucking worried for him, for her." Insha said.

"I know babe, I know and trust me I tried my best to search for her she is nowhere to be found and there is no clue we found in her room Insha, even police couldn't find her. I'm scared but I think she really is gone this time."

Insha cried and cried for her best friend. I couldn't help but sooth her that's what I can do that is the only thing I can do..

*after 1 month*

"Harry come on lad the show starts in two minutes."
I shouted, Harry has succeeded in moving on and getting out of the depressed state.. We are still trying to find her as hard as that is Harry haven't stopped loving her, he still sits with a picture in his hands, still admires her, still smiles memorizing their moments, I'm happy that the situation is OK.

"Coming." he said and ran towards the stage.

The crowd cheered for us, ever since the incident, Harry has recovered but he is not fully happy as I thought he used to be, he used to crack jokes with fans, he used to dance, but now he is just sitting with his eyes on his phone and his face holding a blank expression.

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