chapter 28

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Harry's (pov)

Ohh god should I tell her?..

Will niall be okay if I do so!..
I know he doesn't love her anymore but will ishita understand!.. ?

And will dia be okay after listening to me! ..

"Harry?!" Dia said..
She was looking into my eyes....
I was feeling butterflies in my stomach... She looks so pretty...

No wait Harry concentrate!...

"Uhmm dia i' m gonna tell this to you but promise me you will not get mad at us and you will not tell it to anyone!" I said!..

"Damm Harry I promise now you making me curious just tell!" She said ...

"Okay" I said...


1 year ago niall met a girl..named as Kate she was from Mexico

She kinda looked very much like ishita..

Niall and she met in a concert...
They kept meeting up and talking and hanging out niall used to spend all his free time with her ...

They both loved each other ...
Niall was in deep love with her....
She too said she is!...

At first when we met her we thought she is a nice girl and she likes niall like niall likes her ..

We thought everything will go good between them...

We came to know that she is a singer too and she loves him too like he does..

Niall decided to ask her for marriage.. After 3 months...After all he was deep in love !..

Management had organized a party that night. .

Niall decided it was a good chonce!

The party was already started kate denied to come with us...

She said she'll come a bit later..

We agreed and we headed to the party...

All the popstars weere present right there...

Katy Perry
Justin bieber
Taylor Swift
Ed sheran etc...etc..

Niall was nervous like really nervous.
He was shy to propose her in front of everyone present right their so we decided to just create a small beautiful set up for them...

To create a special moment for them...

We settled up an small set up right next to were the party was going on...and it was such a place were no one would notice them...

Everything was ready...
Niall was nervously waiting for her to come....

Finally a boy came and told nia that kate is here...

He became all happy...and headed to the place were we sent kate when she entered...the party..

Niall went there running...
He was really very excited..

H..he..was shocked for what he was seeing...

Kate was kissing an boy...
He couldn't recognize him at first but then what he saw was kate was kissing Justin bieber! (No offence)

"Ahem ahem" niall cleared his throat to get their attention..

His heart was broken into pieces...
"Ohh my god niall what are you doing here?!" Kate asked she was shocked by seeing niall standing their...

He was on a erge to cry...

"Look mate I'm sorry but I love Kate and she too does..she was going to tell this but she couldn't so I'm now telling you she don't have any feelings for you!" Justin said....

"Kate you should have told this to me!" Niall said with his broken voice his heart was shattered into peices

"I was going to but because of my busy schedule I couldn't" she said ...

Justin came up and pulled her by his side!..

And then he said "now as its done we should go and enjoy the party!"

"Uhmm okay enjoy your life Kate thank-you for all those memories" niall said and made way for them..

We went to niall asking what happened he was crying out so bad he was hurt...we couldn't see see him like that we decided to leave from there...

We drove to our apartment...
Niall went to his room and locked himself for 3 days...
No food nothing...
It was horrible...
We then helped him to come up that situation..

But now he hates her ...
He really loves ishita aloadz..

Author's note
Triple update yayaya!..
Love ya my lovely readers...
Hope you like it...
Keep thinking what the thing is for which Harry is tensed ...
Drop your answers in comment box...
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