chapter 69

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The baby? Is he fine? Is she fine?..

Shit..i want to see her I want to talk to her want to feel her want to kiss her want to hug her

I want her!

"Mom I wanna see her" I said while burrying my face in my hands

"Baby you have to wait I know you love her but please? Wait for sometime?" She said while taking a seat next to me

A nurse walked towards our direction
And stopped in front of me "family nay see her now.."

After she said without caring to say anything I quickly started pushing my wheel chair towards the door while jai came up and stood in my way

"What do you want now? Aren't you happy with the problems you are already creating?" I growled staring in his eyes while they held a pinch of sadness I felt bad to say so many things he didn't do it I did it..
I will apologize

"Harry..i-i can I go see her first?"..

What? How dare he even ask that to me? He is not going inside first!
I'm gonna go and Save my Diana myself I don't need anyone and he is not going..

I opened my mouth to say all the things I had but till that time he was already in..

Stop him!

"Wait who gave you the permission to come in here?,I have been crying for hours just to see her properly why don't you understand she is my damn girlfriend and soon to be become my wife why did you have to come and ruin everything everything was going on so well we handled it together we never fought but just because of you because of you she fought with me and that lead to this can you see it? Can't you see her the pain? The pain and is going through she is damm p-" I was cut of by Insha running inside.

"HARRY...stop shouting they will throw us out" she said while she walked towards me.

"Why were you shouting like that?" Her gaze shifted to jai and back to me

"He" I point jai..

"Ruined everything, every damm thing! It's because of him we are here Insha she is.." I was cut of by Insha who was already in tears

"Hardy stop it! He didn't do anything" she sobbed while everyone entered the room.

I motioned Louis to take everyone out especially jai I wanted to stay alone with my girl....

Soon everyone went out the last to go was jai who unwillingly stamped his shoes while going out in anger..

I'm sure he has understood everything after that King speech of mine..

I went and stopped near Diana the only sound to be heard was of the machines beeping continuously

"Baby" I whispered taking her hand in mine..

"I want you to fight,I want you to be here when I open my eyes I want you to get well,I want to to be alive!" I said while placing my head on the bed holding her hand tightly I never slept in these two days peacefully so it wasn't weird that as soon as I shut my eyes,sleep slummbered in me

When I opened my eyes i was on the top of something

I still up to check where I'm
When I peeped down it was a fear that rose and I felt goosebumps taking all over me

I was on the top of the Eiffel tower!

Wait I was in the hospital with Diana how did I end up over here?
Am I dreaming? Of course I'm

"Harry" I heard that sweet melodious voice which I was dieing to listen

Diana was there in front of me running towards my Direction

I ran to her and picked her up while she forced her hands on my shoulders

We started into each other's eyes till I brought her down slowly our never breaking eye contact I leaned forward and kissed her it wasn't the soft and passionate but the rough one a much needed one was dieing to feel her lips on mine

"Diana" I said in-between kisses

"Harry" she said I pulled apart and cupped her face with my palms

"Diana please fight I know you can do it I know you can..I can't loose you baby you are my whole world you are my everything" I said while tear blemered in my eyes

"Harry baby I know I'm trying ..I'm tired but I'm trying just remember one thing I love you more than anything Harry..more than I ever loved anyone"
We both stayed right their I just had one question in mind


Should I ask her?


I can't keep it anymore

"Diana can I ask you something?"

"Yess" she whispered I squeezed her hand while we stood at the end on the surface and saw the clear blue sky

Her eyes were on the view but my eyes were stuck on her..on her beautiful face

"Diana promise me you will answer it truthfully"

I hope she says yes

"Okay I will Harry what is it?"

"Tell me about your past with jai!"

That moment everything went black and I woke to the sounds on machines beeping and Diana's hand squeased my hand

"Yes baby yes try you are doing it you can do it"I tried to shake her

"LOUIS DOCTOR MUM" I yelled hoping someone could come

Soon there were docters rushing inside

A nurse forced me out while I begged to let me stay inside.

Everyone stared at me but no one said a word I curiously watched docters

I hope she is fine

After some minutes docters came out with a smile that gave a sight relief to my mind

"Mr.styles Diana is a strong girl no wonder she is well and healthy she lost a large amount of blood but now we can see she is recovering faster and the baby's are also nice but I will ask you to give her some bed rest " he said I thanked him and that's when I saw her opening her eyes

I rushed inside while her gaze was fixed on me

"Harry" she whispered


A/N - hii guyz how are you all I got some free time up so I wrote this for you hope you like..

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