chapter 64

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Diana's (POV)

I really am so happy that Harry is there with me..
Now he knows that we are gonna have baby and somehow I'm really happy, I should have talked to him I should have listened to Insha. I'm dumb.

I needed some air because I was tired of it, tired of everything going on around me..

We walked towards the living room no one was there..might be sleeping?

"They must have slept" he said and I nodded

We went out and everything was dark some lights tinkling and making the area look like a beautiful garden..

We walked over till the garden and saw a boy sitting on the bench alone we ignored and sat on the other bench.

We both remained silent, it wasn't awkward his hands were in mine holding on tightly.

The boy at the side looked at us and I felt like I've seen him somewhere.

He stood up and walked towards us..

Harry looked over at him, his face kinda held an confused expression he put a hand over my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Hey." that unknown boy said.

Yes he is ..he is him oh shit he can't be..oh my god is that really?

"Are you..?" I asked and jumped from my place he nodded and a smile crept at his face and so did mine.

"Oh my god, I've missed you so much!" I said and hugged him tightly.

Harry's jaw dropped and he was glaring at my friend.

"Meet my boyfriend Harry styles!" I said and he nodded, Harry sighed and shook hands with him.

Harry doesn't like him...

"Please may I know your name?" Harry kindly asked I giggled and told him

"Oh nice to meet you Jai. how do you know my girl?" Harry asked pulling me by his side and kissing my cheeks

I flushed at the words my girl and kissed his cheeks back.
"He is Insha's brother. I met him at high school we were best friends but he left for his career ahead, he was with us for 5 years then he changed his school." I said and recollected all the memories when my mind hit me hard and my happy mood was all gone to the sad mode

"I love you" said jai

" really do?" I asked shocked I agree I liked him since 5th std..he was the popular guy of the school who had enough girls crawling around him now and then why would he even talk to me?..we just were friends because of Insha..just because he was her brother, everyday,everytime I tried talking to him I failed, I was a coward.

"Yes, I do Diana I had liked you since forever I just didn't had the words to express my feelings towards you..but now that I couldn't keep it anymore but Diana summers I really really love you alot, will you be my gir..girlfriend?" He asked and my tears poured out. I got what I desired I got my first love..yes yes I did.

"Y-yes" was all I managed to say he pulled me into a tight hug I hugged him back ..and that's when it happened he pressed his lips to mine my first kiss with my first love our lips moulding perfectly into each other we pulled apart due to lack of oxygen it was a soft and passionate kiss all I wished for..

"I love you Diana" he said while looking straight into my eyes

"And I you jai" I said and burried my face into his chest..

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