chapter 39

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Diana's (POV)

We are all sitting on the couch waiting for riddhi to come.
I'm kinda excited to see her expressions its obvious if she is a fan then its going to be a lot of shouting and crying.
I did the same.

Who would know that i'm going to leave with one Direction.
My friends are going to be in a relationship with two of the members.
And I have feelings towards one.

'Sshhhh'i mentally scolded myself.

I blushed over the thought of having feelings for Harry...

Yes yes I do I mean the date it was so romantic and how can I forget that I was on top of him just inches away from him.
I could have kissed him.

Insha's (POV)

We heard a knock on the door.

"Ohh my god she is here hide hide!!" I instructed as everyone did soo...

Harry hided in the kitchen and Diana did the same..
Liam hided behind the couch..
Lou occupied the other couch..
And zayn hided in the bedroom that was just aside the kitchen..
And ishita and niall choosed go hide behind the door..

"Heyyy" I greeted her hugging her tight..

"Ohh my god you leave here??this is massive and this is beautiful and you look so pretty and I missed you soo much!" She splited everything at once..

"Haha okay okay I have a surprise for you!" I said in excitement..

"Ohh fuck just split it out will you!!" She said shouting...

"Out everyone" I yelled!

Everyone baryed out like surprise

"Fuckkkkkk" she yelled...

"Ohhhh my fucking goodness one Direction the one Direction and zayn what what the hell shitty what is going on m I dreaming this can't be real!!!" She barted out her eyes were glossy as she hold on the tears!...

"Calm down calm down!" Liam said while coming a step forward..

"Babe I live here ..." I told her and she widened her eyes at me...

"What the actual fuck why the hell didn't you tell me!!!" She said ..and hugged me tightly too tightly..

"I wanted to surprise you you liked it??" I asked...

"Are you kidding me I love you and I loved it !!" She said and hugged each one of them...

"Hey I'm Diana!" She greeted her...

"Are you Harry's girlfriend??" She immediately asked looming down at their intertwined hands...

"Ohh my god no no we are just friends" she said and immediately left his hand and blushed like a red tomato

"Ohh my god I love you guyzz soo much I'm a bidd fan of yours I just.." She was cutted off by zayb saying.
"Hey don't cry ridz we are here now and I must say you look beautiful!" He said making her blush...

"Ohh thank you soo much mr.malik!" She said

"Mr.malik!" I said and everyone laughed...

"To whom are you giving respect too?" I asked still laughing!..

"Ohh come on you live with you can call them anything and I respect them a lot so.." She said...

"You could call me zayn, riddhi"zayn said flashing a warm smile towards her..

"Sure"she replied...

"And to let you know,she is louis girlfriend " Diana barted out pointing towards me while Lou slipped his hands on my waist pulling me closer...

"Yeah yeah she is my lovely girlfriend!" He said smiling

Ohh I love to see him like this..that smile is just soo beautiful..

I gave him a quick kiss on his cheeks..
And said.
"Yes i'm"

Riddhi looked puzzled up yeah for sure,because she is overjoyed and halfly crying with happiness.

"Guys could you just stop and give her sometime to process." Ishita said coming forward

"Yeah she is right" Niall said..

"Okay okay riddhi you come with me guyz you all take a seat I will be back with her I have a lot to talk to you ridz!" I said pulling my bedrooms Direction...

"Okay thank you soo much for this surprise once again!!" She said and hugged me...once more time..

"Welcome sweetie..." I said and we walked out from the living room...

Author's note

Hie guyz sorry for not updating from 3 you all know studies...but herez the next chapter..
I promise I will update tomorrow love you guyz..please vite and comment!..♥

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