chapter 48

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Hi readers i'm sorry I didn't present the cast before but here it is ...


Diana summer's - Laura marano

Insha - Vanessa Hugdens

Harry styles - Harry styles

Niall horan - Niall horan

Louis Tomlinson - Louis Tomlinson

Liam Payne - Liam Payne

Zayn Malik - Zayn Malik

Amaan - Josh Hutcherson

Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift

Riddhi - Nina Dobrev

Ishita - Lily James

James - Steven R McQueen


Diana's (POV)

I never saw this side of Harry..
We were sitting in the car from past 10 minutes and their is silence in the car which is killing me inside
He is focused on the drive..he didn't even look at me..

I wanted today to be special..
Memories from the last night played in my happy he was how happy I was...

He suddenly stopped the car and turned to face me..

"Dia I'm sorry you really don't deserve this...I really am.." I didn't let him finish..
Instead,I placed my lips on his..our lips fits so perfectly together.. He brought his hands to my waist and pulled me closer...I tugged my hands in his hairs
We pulled away because of the lack of oxygen..

Our foreheads attached we breathing heavily and staring into each others eyes..

"You don't need to say sorry haz its not your fault.. Please don't say sorry again and please don't get angry I wanted today to be special.." I said while closing my eyes..and tilting my head up

He cupped my face with his large hands..and said "you dint deserve those things dia ,I love you and I promise today will be special thank you for trusting me"

He gave a last kiss on my forehead and started driving now with a smile covered on his face which I loved..

I love the way after every kiss he kisses my forehead..
I rested my head in the window and stared out..peacefully

"We are here" Harry said waking me up from my thoughts

Harry's (POV)

"We are here" I said and woke her up..
Yeah she must be tired after long day and a long night...
It was the best night ever..

We knocked the door and waited for them to open it..
Lou opened the door with a grin on his face..

"What?" I snapped while he stared at our intertwined fingers..

"Uhmm nothing " he said and turned to walk ..

Dia stayed silent she was really tired..
She must have some rest before the concert because I'm going to tell the world that she is mine!

"Can we know what happened last night that you both had to stay out for the whole fucking night?" Insha asked raising a eyebrow..

"Nothing she ..uhmm..she wanted to stay so we did stay why what's the problem in that?" I said and started walking towards dia's bedroom..without making eye contact with anyone

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