chapter 74

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Diana's (POV)

"Love me harry" I said bluntly, his eyes widened at my statement and I mentally kicked myself.

This boy can turn me on so easily

"Sure why not." his sexy smirk played on his lips.

He gently laid me down on the couch as he got up and turned on the dim night stand giving us enough light. His tongue escaped from his parted lips to wetten them. This action of his was enough to turn me on.

I couldn't help the loud beating of my heart. Harry's hand tucked the hem of his T-shirt slowly pulling it over and the next thing he did was kissed me gently followed by the kisses, he trailed kisses all over my jawline.

His kisses stopped between the ending of my neck and the starting of my shoulder. Instead of kissing he sucked the spot. He was very well aware that was my sweet spot and would lead to a moan escaping from my lips. It did. His already sexy smirk grew wider and his dimple was only adding icing to the cake.

"Ssshhh baby, Insha might hear." He smirked. I stiffled another moan. He shushed me again by gently placing his lips on mine. His lips after leaving my lips pecked my forehead, the habit we had developed.

My hands tightly grasped his arms and I spun upside down with him. So that I was laying on top of him. With a smirk, I copied the actions he was doing minutes before.

I slowly kissed his forehead and lowered my face a bit and nibbled his lip, earning a moan from Harry.
My breathing hitched as I realized a slight pain caused due to the use of my injured hand.

Harry instantly understood what happened and laid me down, so he was laying on top of me. He gently caressed my cheeks and trailed kisses all over me, causing me to smile.

His hands then travelled to the hem of my t-shirt. When he looked up at me asking for permission, I nodded and his grin widened.

He took of my T-shirt and my jeans so I was left in my undergarments. My hands were sweating so were Harry's. Our breathing was heavy due to kissing, I helped him take of his jeans though I felt nervous.

It's nothing I haven't done before but I..

"Any problem baby?" He cut my thoughts with his sexiest voice. I shook my head signaling a 'no'. he smiled and pulled me close.

I laid on top of him and started trailing kisses down his jawline. God, i can never get enough of him.

His moan strengthened my desire of him. His grip on my hips tightened as I trailed a wet line over his torso. He roughly pulled close smashing his lips on to mine, kissing me roughly. His free hand travelled to my back for unclasping my bra which he soon did. I was laying shamelessly half naked in front of the boy whom I loved with every piece of me. His next actions earned him a moan from me. His catchy dimples made me smile constantly.

Our lips met again moving in a sync. Our hands explored each other. he laid between my legs over my torso. My grasp was on his lower region while his was on my chest

He suddenly pulled apart from the kiss while he asked me "do you still trust and love me Diana?" What?
What type of a question is it?

Go answer his question with this.
'Yes I do, Harry. I do love you more than anything in the world. You are the guy, I lost my virginity to. you are the guy I trusted and still trust and will trust the most. you are the guy whom I loved, love, and always love!'

"Ye-yes harry I do-" he didn't let me finish. he roughly grabbed my face while kissing me hungrily like there is no tomorrow. our lips fought for dominance. we both were panting by that time. it was cold and that's when the realization hit us.

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