chapter 53

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I ran out to search for James..
I had to find him how could he leave her like this...

I took out my cell and called him sure I had his number it was my duty to take it for my best friend...
"Where the hell are you?"
"You care?"
"If you don't tell me then just see what I do I just want to talk so fucking meet me at Starbucks on the corner of matisa street!"

I hanged up and rushed to Starbucks..
Luckily there weren't much people over their

I ordered myself hot chocolate and took a seat next to the huge window.

James entered and took a seat in front of me.

"What you want split it out I don't have time!" He said rolling his eyes.

"You fucking bastard you are destroying her life how could you leave her in that situation?" I growled in anger

"Woah woah calm down little control freak I didn't do anything she wanted to make out so I agreed and I don't give a fuck about what her mom does to her!" He calmly said which caused the anger inside me boil

"You fucking piece of shit how dare you say that you are using her and I will not let this happen! I'm going to tell her I'm fucking going to tell her right now!" With that I got up and stormed out of the cafe James yelled my name and ordered me to stop

He came running and pulled me by my wrist which caused me to loose my balance and fall on him but he managed to stand still by taking the support of the. Pole next to him!

"Don't touch me you bastard" I yelled and pulled away!

"Look I don't have anything to do with you but if you go and tell her everything then I don't think it would be nice for you" he said and a smirk grew into his face.

"What will you do asshole you know what I don't fucking care!"I rushed out of the way without listening what he was going to say

I went to Diana and banged her door
"Diana Diana open the door!"

Her cousin opened the door with an worried expression

"Is everything alright mat?"

"No..she..uhmm..Diana mum again slapped her she is a bitch!".. Her cousin said and looking at the empty living room

" hey don't say that she is her mother she has the right but if its for no reason then yeah she is"I gave him a small assuring smile

"She is in her room and mom is out with her friends" he said and let me in

"Dianan babe what happened" I asked slamming the door open in her bedroom..

"She warned me if I'm seen with James then she will make me sit at home she ll stop my college and everything" she said but this time calmly without crying

"Babe I understand I wanna tell you something about James he doesn't deserve you he is trying to use you I went to meet him to tell him he is an asshole to leave you like that and what I came up with was this he is an fucking bastard who is using you I know this is all too much to handle at once but its true babe its true pleasee trust me?"until I finished tears wore already running down her cheeks..

"Is that true? " she managed to ask even in that situation..

"Yes yes it is and he even warned me if u tell you everything he will try to do something pleasee be safe pleasee leave him he doesn't deserve you dia you deserve someone better!" I replied

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