chapter 56

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"Harry she is in diana's mom" Insha said
And my heart skipped a moment.

"W-what" was all I managed to say
Her mood just now got better in the morning and why did she had to come now!

"He..hello mam'm" I said

"I don't want to listen to your hello I want to see my daughter, where is she? What did you do with her?" She furiously asked getting up from the couch and walking towards me

"She is at her university mam and she will be back soon and I didn't do anything to her" I replied sternly I still am mad on her for laying a hand on my girl!

"I don't care,I want her here now!"she said and took a step closer

"Sorry mam you have to wait till she comes back its her first day today so please don't spoil it" I said and glanced at Louis who gave me a nod and left the room with everyone.

"Alright what time will she be here?" She asked taking a seat on the couch

"May be in 3 hours" I said and sat opposite to her

This 3 hours are gonna be awkward and worse I have to control my self or else Diana will hate me..
Even though I hate her I have to stay calm, I have to handle this situation calmly.

Diana's (POV)

We had an assembly before we started with our daily schedule we had been called to the hall...

Everyone here were there with their best friends and friends group I semmed to be the only one alone

Everyone was sitting on their seats
I saw an empty seat in the second row I delebly walked and sat there

There was a girl with pink hair on my right who was talking with a group of people as soon as I sat their she turned her gaze to me and smiled

I smiled back and took out my phone to tell Harry I'm okay

I had 4 missed calls from mom and 20 messages

I ignored mom's calls and opened the messages

First 5 wore from Insha


Hie babe where are you?

Please answer your mom's call


Diana where the hell are you even Harry is not there here!

Call me asap!

Next 3 were from riddhi


Babe worried for you!

Come home!

Your mom's here!

What my mom?

She is there? At the apartment?
Harry isn't home yet? My mom is here!?

Shit shit shit!

Everything was going on soo good why the hell did she come here today I know she cares for me but no I'm not a kid anymore I'm 18! I can handle my self!

I didn't care to read all the other messages as I knew what they are about

I quickly called Harry

Harry - hello

Me - Harry where are you?

Harry - home why?

Me - is my mom over there?

Harry - (silence)

Me - Harry say something!

Harry - Diana look you just finish your day and come home there is nothing for you to worry about

Me - what do you mean harry? Just tell me is my mom over there?

Harry - yes but it's okay she is talking with me you don't have to worry about it Diana

Me - harry I'm coming home now!

Harry - Diana pleasee don't ...pleasee stay there and enjoy your first day at the university you hardly have 2 hourse more

Me - but..

Harry - pleasee Diana I love you and I promise I will take care of it pleaseee?

Me - okay take care Harry love you..

Harry - love you Diana!

By saying the last line he hanged up

The rest of the day went well at the university I was most of the time wondering what Harry and my mom would be doing or what they must be talking?
They don't even know each other and i am fucking tensed of what will happen next.

I left the university at 12 o clock as it was our first day we didn't have any lectures today.

I quickly took a bus till the apartment

It took 15 minutes for me to reach I ran to the apartment and slammed the door open and saw sleepy Harry leaning in on the couch and my mom was nowhere to be seen

Harry's head tilted up when he heard the voice of me slamming the door open

"Harry where is she?" I panicked

"I don't know she was right here I was just tired so.." He was cut off by my mom and Lou entering the living room

There was death silence when mom's and mine eyes met and we stood frozen staring blankly at each other. I wanted to say many things I wanted to scream on top of my voice but I had no energy.i was weak at the point I was tired I was sick I was fed up of every thing happening around me

"Diana how dare you? You promised me something if you remember" My mother screamed.

"Mom please can we talk calmly? Please?" I nearly whispered and Harry assured me by putting a hand on my shoulder and pulling me by his side.

"Okay " she said and walked back to my room.

"I showed her your room" Lou said and walked back to his room.

"Diana just calm down tell her what you want try to make her understand and if she tries to do anything just call my name I'm there at the door" he assured me

I'm more than grateful to have Harry as a partner..

"Okay.." I said and started walking towards my room

I left Harry's hand which he held on tightly before..on the edge of me leaving his hand he pulled me back turning me around and bashed his lips onto mine gently kissing me our lips perfectly fitting into the mould the memories from the first kiss flooding to my mind my hands travelled up to his hairs and his hands traced small patters on my back

He knows how to control me
That's one of the reason why I love him so much

Author's note

Hope you like it!♥


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