chapter 15

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Harry's (POV)

The way we slept.
So close,i could hear her heart beating, she was so perfect.i liked her soo much.

Anyways now I have to get ready or else I ll be late for the concert.

I got ready and went to the living room to see what diana is doing.

She was waiting for me still in my t-shirt as she didn't have any clothes to wear.

"Uhmm Diana should we go now?" I asked.

"Mr.styles do you think i'm ready i'm just in your T-shirt" She said angrily.

"Hahahaha okay okay you can wear your dress from yesterday night,I ll drop you to your hotel and then I ll go for the concert" I said.

Ohh god today is the last day.
Diana will go home after this concert. no no no I don't want her to go...I like her I want her to stay here.

"Uhmm here now come on." She said coming out of the room..

She looked hot especially in that backless dress of her.
She shooked me and brought me in my senses.

"Ohh uhmm yeah yeah lets go.." I said

We sat in the car and i started driving.

"So diana you will go home today " I asked sadly

"Uhmm yeah.. You know Harry coming to London and seeing and meeting you guys was my dream my biggest dream that came true ..I m so happy" She said smiling.

The most perfect smile, I thought to myself.

"But you know I will be back here in London for my further studies. I wanna be a fashion designer.So I'm planning to join the university here in London." She said happily.

I got so happy.

"Ohh my god that's Great.Thats an Great news diana." I said excited.

"Uhmm yeah I just wish they choose me for the scholarship. I have already submitted by bio data and all stuff..." She said nervously.

"Aww dia i'm sure you will get selected okay. Now cheer up love" I said.

Diana's (POV)

I was very nervous it has been my dream to come to London that is already fulfilled because of one Direction.But I wanna join here, London university, I wish they select me.

Soon we reached the hotel.

I gave a quick kiss on his cheeks

Ohh god why did I do that...

He turned red....and blushed and made me blush.

I quickly got out and waved byee to Harry .

"Bye Mr.styles see you soon" I said
and opened up my rooms door hoping niall was not here.
And guess what the two dumbos are still sleeping in their bed peacefully.

"Niall ishita get up!" I screamed

Niall and ishita woke up in shock they both were naked like seriously I was feeling like running from their but I started yelling at them.

"Niall don't you remember you have your concert today?" I asked him.

"Ohh shit yeah i'm late m seriously late I need to go as soon as possible." He said worriedly.

"Diana you go out so that niall and I can change" Ishita said.

"Ohh so now I need to go out for you both to get changed" I asked angrily
I was really angry on both of them.

"Okay diana i'm sorry i'm really sorry please let us change please." Ishita pleaded.

"Uhmm okay" I said and got out.

After 20 minutes I got in as I heard ishi laughing.

Niall was tickling ishi and having fun
"Are you both done now?" I yelled at niall...

"Uhmm yes" niall said embarrassed...

He kissed ishi on her lips her hand went to his hair..

Ohh god they were looking so cute!...

I cleared my throat to bring them back to their senses...

Atlast niall left the room...

Ishita went to have a shower ..

I started chnging my dress.

I got into my skinny blue jeans with a blue tank top and I decided to keep my makeup simple I got ready in 30 minutes.

I went in to see what ishi was doing. She was wearing demin shorts...with a black top it was really looking pretty on her.
I did her makeup and we both were ready and waiting for Ashley to come and pick us up from here.

We heard a knock on the door...
We rushed to the door to open it we were really excited.. .

"Come on ladies time for the show" Ashley said and we went down with her....

-----author's note--------

Hope you guyz like it...
Vote and comment!♥
Love you all...

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