Chapter 11

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Ishita's P.O.V-

I thought about James again.
She loved him with all her life after that incident they both had patched up again, they were so in love.
But one day james left the town because of his parents' divorce, he left to live with his dad, leaving Diana alone.
He didn't want to leave but he was forced to.
She was heartbroken.

But anyways she was currently waiting for Harry to come i wanted her to leave soon as Niall was coming over.

Diana's (POV)

There was a knock on the door.
I opened it.

"Are you look gorgeous" Harry complimented and i blushed.

"Thanks Harry, and lets go." I said.

We both sat in his car and left the place, as we neared I could see the lights that flourished the place the small lights twinkled like stars and made it look more beautiful, Harry stopped his car and helped me out of the car, he slipped his hands into mine, I flinched at his touch I don't know, if he knew or not but their were butterflies doing ups and down in my stomach.

"Reservation under the name Harry Styles" He said as we entered.

"Yes of course sir." The man said

After looking down at his book he smiled at asked us to follow him

He led us to a small table at the cnetre of the place, it was cute and beautiful Harry as a gentleman pulled my chair back and helped me take a seat.

I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful creature in front of me.
The way the smile never left his face his eyes glimmered making them shine more.

"So what shall we order?" Harry asked.

Before i could answer a man came up to us

"This is for the lady." He said placing a champagne bottle a rose and a note.

"Harry?" I looked at him.

"I didn't order it" he said. I observed the basket nicely to find if their was any clue of whose it was and I was right their was a note sticked at the corner

I picked up the note to read what it was

Long Time No See..♡x

"Who sent this?" I asked the man.

"I did." a familiar voice said.

I looked up to find James smiling at me,It took me time to observe his face his features I haven't seen him in months.

"Oh My God James" I exclaimed getting up and hugging him tightly.

"I missed you babe" he said.

"I missed you too James" i said.

"Well here i am." he said.

"Yeah so you work here?" I asked.

"Ahh...i own this place" he said.

"Ohh that's great James." I said with a smile.

Harry was staring at us, I decided to introduce james to him.

"Harry meet James my long lost friend." I said, it was awkward.

"Ohh nice to meet you James." Harry said plastering a fake smile.

"Ohh i'm a massive fan Mr.styles!" he said, and Harry shrugged.

"Ohh great to know that." Harry said.

"Soo how you here with..Mr.styles?" James asked.

"Ohh uhmm, we were on a date." I said.

"Ohh I see, so I will leave you both alone, we will catch up after some time?" James asked with glimmering eyes.

"Uhmm, okay." I rambled. unsurely.

We exchanged our phone numbers. I then sat in front of Harry, his eyes were watching me steadily.

"so start." Harry broke the silence.

"Uhmm what?" I asked confusedly.

"I know something was up, he is not just a friend who is he?" Harry asked his voice sounding to stern. My mind played all the past scenes and recalled all the memories. I could feel my eyes fill with the stupid ass water, yet again I didn't wanted to cry. I wanted to be tough. But I wasn't.

"Hey don't cry " Harry said.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked.

"Uhmm yeah sure." Harry said.

In the silence we ate our dinner, I wanted to speak but everytime I tried the voice, was like lost. I only had one thing in my mind.

Should I tell him?

No, I have to tell him. He deserves to know.

I will tell him
Atlast I decided.
And slided a smile towards Harry.



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