Chapter 66

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Harry's (POV)

"Hey haz"Lou said


"Why so low?"

"Nothing Lou I'm actually tired.."these two days had been so tiring..all the drama all the sadness all of those...Diana doesn't deserve any of those she deserves to be happy and I will make her happy

"Can understand should take some rest and yeah Diana and Insha are going to be late they are going to meet jai" what why I don't like him..he has something with Diana and I hate it!

"Why?..Diana didn't say anything about this!"That jai I hate him..

"I know Insha texted me she said she and Diana will be hanging out with jai after their classes"


"Why so jealous" Lou teased a smirk playing on his lips

"What? No I'm not jealous!" I spat

Am I jealous? Yes!

"Okay okay go and take rest boy we have an interview tomorrow with BBC"

"Oh okay Lou"

I walked to my room and lied on my couch sniffing through my phone

I opened Twitter to see what's happening it'd been a long time I opened it

I opened Diana's profile and my mind kicked me

Enjoying with my long lost friend!
@jai_Williams! Love him soo much

And then there was a pic of diana and jai hugging tightly holding each other in their arms..

No this is not gonna happen!
Harry don't get jealous
Harry hell yeah go and get her

Harry he is just a friend

No Harry he is something

Harry stay

Harry go

Uhhgg I'm going!


Me - Diana?

D - no sorry Harry its jai here

What? Why does he have her phone?

Me- where is Diana why do you have her phone?

D - hey hey calm down boy she is actually busy we are at a garden so she and Insha are enjoying their selves

Me- so why are you with them?

D -dont get jealous boy I'm here because I missed her

He is dead now!

Me- listen you ..whatever your name is stay away from her you get that? ..

Call end

What the?
He ..he ended my call!
My call!
He is gonna have it!
He is dead now!

I ran my hands through my hairs a habbit that I have got through Diana.. She always do it when she is stressed


Harry go and get her..

I ll call Insha I hope her phone is atleast with her.



Insha-hi Harry

Me-is Diana with you? where is she? Where are you both?

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