chapter 79

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Diana's (POV)

I was woken by a loud noise of something falling down, I quickly sat up in the bed and rubbed my eyes for getting a clearer view.

There stood Damien with a tray in his hands filled with food and happened to have a glass of orange juice which was now spilled on the floor.

"Damien." I laughed looking at him.

He chuckled and placed the tray on the side of the bed, I glanced at the clock and it read 6:00 am, Damien never wakes up so early.

"Damien you are okay right?" I asked curiously.

"Yes." he said looking at me

"You woke so early today." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Diana I told you about the thing right?" he asked putting more pressure on saying "the thing" of course he was talking about the concert and yes I was excited, the thing is I was just nervous of what might happen.

"Yeah you did."I chuckled.

"You better get ready now."he said and walked out.

I nodded to myself and ate everything on the plate.

I got up and sprwaled to the bathroom lazily brushing my teeth, yes i was excited but somewhere down there was a thing that was eating me.

My phone buzzed as I was about to enter in the shower, who must it be?

I slides the screen and waited for the caller ID to appear, it was unknown.

The memories of that photographer of one Direction calling me flooded to my mind

I steadily pressed the answer button and held the phone to my ears

"Hello" my voice trembled

"Hello" A male and familiar voice said

"May I please know who this is?" the voice asked

"First I want to know who you are."I spat gaining my confidence.

"I'm Damien's friend I was about to pick you up from your place for your concert thing, I called him but he didn't answer and he gave me this number and-"I join every word he was saying together and stopped him from saying anything further

"Okay yeah calm down be there in 30 minutes we are ready thanks." I said and ran to the bathroom for getting ready.

My heart was throbbing in my chest. I'm gonna see him soon

I have missed him.

Harry's (POV)

If she was here I wouldn't have been so lonely, if only she was here I would be as happy as others are "if"

I wish she comes back.

Wait does she even know that I miss her? Does she think about me? Does she even miss me like I miss her?

I wish there was a method by which I could tell her how much I love her.

There is..
Yes yes fuck there is

And I know exactly what I have to do.

"Louis where is Martin?" I asked.

Yes I needed Martin our photographer for the plan I wish she sees how much I'm trying for her.

"He is there on the ground floor."he replied.

I went to the ground floor and started searching for him.

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