chapter 17

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Diana's (POV)

I rushed down with ishita.
God, I was so embarrassed.

"Why did you tell them." I asked angrily.

"Did you see harry's face." she asked laughing out loud.

"All because of you, God what he must be thinking now?" I asked.

I was running towards the car I was really embarrassed.Thinking of Harry in my mind.

As we were rushing I felt a hand grip my hand tightly and I heard a deep familiar sound.
It was Harry.

"Uhmm diana, where are you going?" Harry asked.

Ishita ran from their as she got a call from Niall.

"Uhmm nowhere, I was just..uhmm going back to the hotel room." I said

"What..but why? You don't wanna spend some time with us?" He asked with a puppy dog face.

"Oh no, no its not like that actually I haven't packed my bags yet and we have our flight tomorrow at five in the morning." I said hurriedly.

"It's alright, but please stay with us." He said making the cute puppy dog face again.

"Okay, okay Mr styles. I'm here with you" I said.

"Good now come on." He said pulling me.

When he held my hand, i had goosebumps. Actually I felt super happy, safe. I really liked It.

We headed to were the boys and ishita was sitting.

"Here comes D." ishita said.

" I'm still mad at you ishita."I said faking the angry look.

"Oh come on Diana, my sweet girlfriend was just kidding don't be so harsh to her." Niall said winking at ishita.

Everyone burst out laughing.

I glared at niall.

"Ohh uhmm so now, its like this huh?" I asked to ishita and Niall.

"It's alright babe, forgive her now its a little thing I didn't at all." Harry said.

"Ohh uhmm okay, okay you are forgiven ishita " I said.

"Yeppieee" Niall and ishita shouted and hugged each other.

It was so cute, I just stared at them.
Some memories from the past flashed to my mind.


We were at a party it was insha's party she was my bestie after ishita.

All our friends were there.
James and i entered,people were dancing on the dance floor,pushing the crowd we reached till the sofa and had a seat ,James got up and went somewhere. With his friends.
I sat there with Insha talking about some random stuff.
Soon amaan insha's boy friend came there.
(They were really the sweetest couple I have ever seen.
Everyday when we used to hangout after college...Insha and amaan's fingers intertwined with each other he never left her alone he truely loved her so did she,they were the best.)

"Insha babe come on I have a surprise for you" Amaan said.

He made an announcement in the room.
"Boys and girls can I please have your attention here.

"Miss Insha... I wanna tell you how much I love you" Amaan said

(I was staring at the most beautiful couple right there)

Insha stood there shocked she was surprised.

Amaan slipped out a box from his pocket.
It was the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen.

"I want to thank the most beautiful girl on the planet for all those beautiful memories that she gave me,my Insha! I love you more than anything in the world and I want to ask you will you be mine forever and ever" amaan asked.

A tear rolled down from insha's cheek.
She wipped it, she sat down so that she could see amaan's eyes.
Both of their eyes attached to each other....the cutest moment.

"I'm forever and ever yours amaan I love you too you are the best gift that the god has ever given me..." Insha said.

I heard aww's from the crowd.
Everyone in the room. Started clapping and cheering them.

(I was searching for James I wanted him to see this but he was nowhere to be...seen)

Amaan hugged Insha and swear to god how beautiful the scene was...rose petals rained from above ... Amaan planned everything for her.. He just created the perfect moment.

I quickly snapped a pic of them hugging.

I then felt my hand gripped by some one tightly I just felt goosebumps the grip was so tight I turned to see it was James he leaned in close to me and said "our moment will be like this baby I promise."

I gave him a sweet smile.

And congratulated amaan and insha..

-----------flashback over--------

Author's note!

I hope you guyz liked it!

This is dedicated to a sweet couple!
Hope you love it!

Vite and comment!♥
Love y'll

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