Chapter 29

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Diana's P.O.V.-

Oh My God! Kate?!

"Um..and you know.. Justin broke up.." Harry said.


"Hmm..suits her..stupid girl..Niall is a really nice guy" i remarked.

"And well...she wants Niall back" He said.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes..she..has been like contacting us...and she says she still loves Niall" Harry said.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed.

" Niall really loved her you know?" Harry said.

"So..will he like leave ishita for her?.." i asked worried.

"Well...we haven't let Niall know that she's been contacting us..but i dont know..maybe he'll not" he said.

"I swear I'll kick his ass if he leaves Ishita fr her" i said and harry laughed.

"He wont" he said.

"We should tell Ishita about Kate" I said.

"Yeah...tomorrow" Harry said and i nodded.

"Lets go join them" i said and we headed out.

We sat on the couch...the film got over soon as we were inside half the time.

Harry's P.O.V-

Well...i was drinking water in the kitchen about when a phone rang...on the kitchen counter

Niall's phone!

"Harry...please answer in a really comfortable i dont wanna move" Niall called out.

I turned to see..Ishita perched on Nialls lap.
I smirked.
How would it feel if Diana sat on my lap like that.
The thought itself made me shiver in pleasure.

The continous ringing of the phone interrupted my thoughts and i quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

" this Nialls phone?" A girl asked.

" is and im Harry speaking...but who is may you be?" I asked.

"Harry! This is Kate here..please..please give the phone to Niall" She pleaded.

Who the hell does she think she is?!! She leaves him...and then comes back when the guy she left Niall for dumpd her and now expects Niall to accept her!

"Im sorry Kate...but he's busy..thats why i answered his phone" i replied.

"What!? He's never too busy to answer his phone" she said.

"Some things change dont they?" I said.

"What is he doing.?! Just tell him its me and i bet he'll leave whatever he's doing to talk to me" she said.

"Well...he's in a really comfortable position to get up" i said.

"Huh?" She asked..probably confused.

"His girlfriend is sitting on his lap...and oh...they're even kissing now" i replied as a smirk made its way to my lips.

"What the hell? No..tell me you are lying" she said.

"No im not Kate..and niall doesnt love you sorry and please hang up" i said.

"Harry..." she started but i hung up.

We seriously needed to talk to niall.

"Boys! Can you come here for a minute?" I called.

Everyone groaned but came...Lou put his arm on my shoulder.

"Yes?" Niall asked.

"Um...boys i think we should tell him" I said.

"I think so too" Liam said.

"Tell me what?" Niall asked

"Umm....Niall i think you should tell Ishita about Kate" louis said and i nodded.

"I dont know how she will react. I dont want her to leave me" Niall said.

"She wont leave you...just come clean...otherwise it would be worse if she found out from someone else" Liam said.

"Yeah...thats true" i agreed..

"Fine...ill tell her lets go" Niall said.

Hello ishita..and for a few days this book belongs to me lol.
So...i hope you will like what i will!

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