chapter 54 - love!

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Diana's (pov)

he kissing me is all I want is all I need is all I love!

"I love you di" he whispered in my ears..

"I love you Harold" I teased and his grip around my waist tightened bringing us inches away so that my head was touching his. .

"What did you just say!" He asked in his raspy yet sweet voice

"Uhmm nothing" I nearly whispered I could smell his colonge and could feel his heart beat there was death silence between us...

"Are you tired?" He asked breaking the silence

"Hmmm" I humbed and closed my eyes...

"Let's get you to bed then" he said and got up...

I didn't stand a question arises in my stupid mind

What if my mom separates us?

"What happened di?"

"Nothing haz let's go to bed I'm sleepy like really sleepy" I groaned and he nodded

I jumped to bed and Harry sat on the edge staring



"What happened?"

"Nothing di today's day was just so miserable like i wanted it to be special I wanted you to see how much I love you but what happened was complete opposite and worse"he said and his head was held in his hands

It's all because of me his life was so easy so beautiful before I came he doesn't deserve this he has always been nice to me always loved me and what I pay back is this? No I can't put him through this pain I have to do something but for now I have to handle him..

"Harry baby I love you and it's not at all your fault its all mine..because of me you have to bear this you don't need to and you don't have to Harry I'm soo sorry I'm so sorry" I said cupping his face in my hands

His eyes looked like carrying a lot OS stress his hairs wore messed up his skin was warm..

"No no no it's not like that Diana its that before you came my life was incomplete I needed someone to share my things with,to have someones back,to have a beautiful and pretty girl by my side who is kind and sweet and it's you baby, its who I've always wished for and I never in a million years want to loose you, I love you Diana soo much that I you can't even imagine I want to show my love towards you diana" till that I already was crying, seeing his love towards me. Seeing how much a person loves a girl like me a girl,who is such a mess to handle.

Without a second thought, I crashed my lips into his. The feeling of his lips on mine was enough for me to forget all the negatives going in my life. He instantly wrapped me into his arms. I pulled him closer to me and began kissing roughly.

Harry's (POV)

Diana just kissed me deeply. Her lips perfectly fit with mine, like it was made just for me. I pulled away just to trail kisses down her jawline. It took me a moment to register her beauty in my mind.

Her face was illuminated by the lamp. I laid her on the bed and kissed her forehead.

The way she was looking at me, was enough to prove that she loves me truly. Her eyes had turned darker. I kissed her again. Lips molding perfectly with each other.

"I love you Diana" I said in between our kiss.

"I love you Harry," Her voice had turned deep, just the way it was at the hotel when we first made love.

The kiss was grew much deep with each second and now she was on top of me with me holding her tightly with my hands on her hips and hers tugging the roots of my hair.

"Dia" a moan escaped my lips as she bit my bottom lip seductively and her nails digging into my torso.

She pulled away. The moment had turned a lot intimate. Lust was present in her eyes, when I looked. I was getting harder moment by moment.

She slowly unbuttoned my shirt. She kept looking into my eyes all the time. Slowly did she removed my shirt and I lost control. I rolled both of us so that I was hovering her now.

Quickly removing the T-shirt that she was wearing I jotted kisses all around her upper body. Her hands went down at my jean button. She unbuttoned my jeans, slowly and seductively kissing at my sweet spot. I moaned her name.

Diana's POV

I kissed his sweet spot simultaneously unbuttoning his jean. I earned a moan from him. That was a great turn on for me.

Harry removed the shorts that I was wearing. So now we both were half naked. His hardness was clearly be seen through his boxers. I decided on giving him more pleasure. I turned both of us with a smirk on my face.

I connected our lips and slowly and gradually traced kisses down his body. I stopped at his boxers. With a smirk on my face, in one go did I pull his boxers and threw them in one corner of the room.

Taking his length in my hand, I took it in my mouth earning a moan from him. I started giving him a blow job.

"Holy shit, Dia" he moaned raising his hips up and down so that I could intake all of his into my mouth.

"I'm going to come. I don't want to come in your mouth so..." he trailed off with a smirk. Within a blink of a eyes, he was hovering me again.

He put him inside of me.

"Harry" I moaned louder than I intended to. He pushed himself in and out of me.

"How do you feel Dia? Tell me" He said pushing in harder. I grasp the bed sheet and pulled it.

" good" I moaned.

"I'm going to come" I said biting my bottom lip because of the mixture of pain and pleasure I was getting. He thrust in harder and faster.

"Holy shit, Dia" Harry moaned as I dig my nails into his torso. I pulled him up to connect out lips. He continued thrusting deep into me. I disconnected our lips and pulled him closer to me.

"Harry" "Diana" We both moaned as we hit our highs.

He collapsed beside me and I turned to his side taking the blankets over both of us. He kissed my forehead.

"I love you Harry. I am in lack of words to define how much I love you" I said into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you too Diana and I think love can never be defined. You don't have to tell me how much you love me. The best gift that you could ever give me, you have already given that." He said with sincerity in hid voice.

"And what is that gift?" I innocently asked.

"You trusted me enough to give me your virginity. Never in million years would I ever be able to repay you back" He said connecting our lips and kissing my forehead

Author's note

Hope you love it cuz "like" is an understatement for this hahah

Thanks tomo!♥

Love ya all sorry I'm late on this update busy week coming ahead..

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