chapter 62

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Harry's (pov)

"H..harry can we go to the balcony please?" Diana asked lashing her eyelashes and flashing her beautiful smile

I don't know why I felt like something is bothering her..
Something is wrong should i ask her?
She isn't well I should not bring this up now

We walked up to the balcony

The stars shining with the beautiful moon in the sky and the city lights beautifully flashing the beauty..

"This is so beautiful" Diana said sitting in one if the chairs opposite me

"Yes yes it is" I replied I wasn't looking at the view but I was looking at her so lucky I'm to have such a beautiful girl with me who is so caring so sweet and so wonderful

Diana's (POV)

I can't I can't leave him ..
I can't go..
I love him,i need him,I want him..

But Diana you can't ruin his life
You can't be so selfish
Yes yes I can't be so selfish I have to stop thinking about it I have to go there is no other option left for me

"Diana did I tell you how beautiful you look when the moonlight flashes on your beautiful face and makes it gloom like an angel?" Harry said leaning in and giving me a peck on my cheek

My body froze at his touch,his lips were inches apart from mine I only knew how badly I needed him how badly I wanted him..

Befour he could bring his lips to mine zayn came running towards us,but turned on his heel and mouthed a "sorry" I smiled and nodded Harry was glaring at him as he was ruining this moment but it's the best that could happen

I stood up saying that I didn't feel good so I will be sleeping early
The reality was I wanted to stay with them forever and ever but it's not possible

"Did you take the medicine?" Harry asked while we walked to our bedroom

"Yes" I lied and he nodded

"Should I come with you?"

"no Harry go and sit with them.."

No Diana don't let him,don't Diana you have to get out from here say no say no

Say yes diana

Say no Diana

Ugghhh my mind is confusing me more

"Pleasee?" Harry again asked

"Okay" shit shit shit

No no no don't uhhhggg I hate myself

We both walked into my room

Harry was staring at something when i saw what he was looking at my bags lying open on the floor,ny brain punched me like..

Shit my bags are still there I forgot to put then back in

"Diana why are your bags here,where are you going?" He asked widening his eyes ,curiosity clear in his voice


"Hey Diana where will you go when you escape from here please tell me" Insha came yelling that sentence loudly
And I literally face palmed myself

This is not what had to be happen!

Insha I'm gonna kill you now

"Shit" Insha muttered when she saw Harry and froze at her place

"Insha what were you saying escaping? Who is escaping? Oh my god what the hell is going on in here?" Harry raised his voice in anger

Everyone came running inside the room with confused faces

"Harry ,Diana, insha is everything okay?" Zayn asked

"No,see these bags,Insha was saying something about escaping,what are they upto?" Harry again asked yelling...

Shit,should I tell him? No he would probably be angry,what the hell is happening with me

"Harry listen to me.." I tried to say but Harry shook his head and walked to Insha

"Insha tell me everything now!" He threatened

Louis went near Insha and slid a hand around her waist and whispered something in her ears , she nodded and said "okay I will tell you,but Harry please don't freak out ..she did this because she loves you and wants you to stay happy" his eyes widen and I felt my legs become weak

"What did she do?,tell me Insha" he yelled
she cried and continued i could feel Harry's eyes on me

"harry she..harry diana is pregnant she is having your baby and..she thought that you would never except it and..she..she was gonna escape from here today..she made me promise that i would never tell this to anyone"insha was nearly sobbing while louis hugged her calming her down

"Oh"was all he said

When she finished everyone looked shocked and Harry's eyes were glued to me as he took steps towards me ,
I felt everything in front of me getting blurry and after some seconds everything blackedout

"Diana get up" were the last words I heard

I felt someone's arms snuggle around my waist tightly

I felt weak and didn't have any strength to open my eyes

I was laid down on my bed and I could hear murmuring around me

"She is pregnant guyz its okay everything will be fine,this happens"Insha said

Harry's (POV)

"okay I will tell you,but Harry please don't freak out ..she did this because she loves you and wants you to stay happy"Insha said after me asking or I should say begging

Curiosity built up in my mind what did she do?,that's why there was a change in her behavior I was right about it..

"harry she..harry diana is pregnant she is having your baby and.."the moment Insha said my heart kinda stopped I turned my gaze to Diana who was crying her eyes were red her face was pale she was shivering,so bad I wanted to hug her,so bad I wanted to calm her but I want to know what she did..why didn't she tell me?,I'm going to be a father? I..I don't have words to express my emotions

"She thought that you would never except it and..she..she was gonna escape from here today..she made me promise that i would never tell this to anyone"my heart dropped how could she even think that I would never except such a beautiful gift?
My baby ... could she? Thank God she didn't go she is here and I'm gonna solve it out!

Author's note..

So so so do you think Diana will leave?
Drop your answers

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