chapter 25

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Louis' (POV)

She is so beautiful.
She is so pretty.
She is just so perfect...
Her smile is just so magical."

We were right now at the club.
"Lou I wanna dance"she said.

"No Insha I can't dance" I said and laughed.

"Even I can't let's just give it a try please. Lou please.." She pleaded aww her puppy dog face.

"Okay okay come on" I said.

I was strashed on the dance floor she loved dancing,she looked so happy..
So perfect, so pretty ..

I tried to dance, everything was perfect till some stupid boys poked their noses in.

"Hey beautiful would you like to have a drink?" One boy asked to her.

"No thanks I'm with someone" She replied and glanced towards me.

I quickly pulled her close to show that I was fucking protecting her from those dumb asses right their.

It ruined her smile.

"Let's go lou " she said her voice tensed up.

"Hey its okay, don't pay attention on those dumb people right their I'm here to protect you babe" I said cupping her little cute face into my hands.

We were so close.
I could admire her like this all day long..she was just perfect...

"But Lou can we just go now please?" She pleaded and I agreed.

We exited the club.
I covered my face till we reached to our car so that the fans couldn't mob me.

"Lou can we go and walk in that park over their?" She asked pointing towards the park.

"Uhmm okay let's go.." I said.

It was pretty dark.
And there were not much people on the road so I was safe.

We entered the park.
It was quite nice.
Silent and beautiful with the twinkling lights.

Insha's (POV)

I was happy.
He was just so good.
I mean just look at him all caring loving generous.

I like him so much.

We decided to take a small walk in the park.

We were walking and there was silence between us

I could feel Louis staring at me.
I blushed but didn't respond.

I decided to break the silence.

"Lou my legs are paining now and I can't walk even a step more can we have a seat?" I pleaded ..

"Hahah sure babe...but were...the seats are over their...(he pointed onto the seats...) And you have to walk till there..." He said in a teasing manner

"No I can't I'm fucking tired now" I said making a puppy dog face

"Uhmm so in that case we should" he said but stopped and looked at me..

He stepped close..

And he lifted me up and carried me bridal style till the benches.

I was shocked for a minute I just didn't expect this.

"You aren't that heavy!" He teased ..

"Hahah I know that" I said..

I holded him to his shoulders...

I was feeling so happy..
I just couldn't express it..

Soon we reached over there and he made me sit on one of the benches... And took a seat beside me...

Lou's (POV)

We just sat there in silence...
Soon it was 11:30..
Ohh god it was late now..
The time just passed so quickly.

"I wanna eat ice cream" She demanded..

"Uhmm okay but now you have to walk yourself" I said and she burst out laughing...

"Hahahhah I will now come on fast..." She said..

We exited the park

we happened to spot one ice cream shop right in front of the park.

"Come on Lou" Insha said dragging me down to the ice cream shop..

When we reached.

"Childishness overloaded Insha"I said..

She was acting like a small baby she pointed on each flavor asking can I try this can I try that.

Ahh I loved that childishness of her.

"Uhmm okay I want choco chips!"she demanded...

"Okay!" I said

"Uhmm I ll have one pistachio" I said mimicking insha's childish tone..

"Ayyii copy cat" she pouted and we burst out laughing..

We took our ice creams I paid and made our way to the car...

She hopped on eating the last bite of her delicious ice cream..

She loved eating ice creams.

Chocolate was her favorite...

I came to know so much about her in just no time...

I started driving...

And we decided to head home.

The car ride was fun she talking about random stuff and I listening to her...

Soon we reached and parked.. The car..

And instructed her towards the apartment.

Author's note...

It's Lou's bday!...
I wish him a happie happie bday!..
And thank him for all those sweet memories

I hope you all love this chappie..
I wote this especially for Louis...
Lou bear!♥..

Love you all...
Sorry if their are any mistakes..


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