chapter 44

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A-N --first thing...

Zayn's pillow talk is out....yayya...I like the music..and I happy that he is happy!..

Second thing...
I won't be updating till 4th because I have my exams from tomorrow.. I hope you guyz understand..


Diana's (POV)

I love you Diana..

No you don't you are a fucking celebrity and i'm just a normal girl Harry

Who fucking cares?? I love you and that's it..


Say it dia say it..

Harry I love you!

I know you did..

I got up with heavy breathings and sweat on my forehead..
It was a dream

I held my head in my hands and closed my eyes...and the dream flashed to my brain...

I love you dia!

Harry's words filling my head..
It was 8 in the morning..
I have my university starting from Monday..
And ohh my my boys have their concert tomorrow..

I quickly went and took a bath..and got changed into a normal T-shirt and sweat pants..

I was in the living room..and it was already 9:00 in morning

"Hey good morning" I greeted ishita niall Lou and insha who wore sitting in the living room with their coffee in hand..

"Good morning babe" Insha replied..

"How are you ishita?" I asked remembering that she was drunk last night..

"I'm okay now" she said and leaned on nialls shoulders

"Where's Harry??" Lou asked...
While sipping his cup of coffee..

"He ..uhmm I guess he is still sleeping.." I said and got up

I entered the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee..
While I heard the door open..

I went out to see who it was..

"Harry?" I asked
I thought he was still sleeping

"Ohh hey I just went out I had a work" he said and removed his coat...

"Ohh okay" I said and entered the kitchen again to take my coffee mug..

I love you dia!

Harry's words again popping in my mind

I have to stop thinking about it...
He will never be mine..

"Paparazzi didn't mob you?" I heard Lou ask him..

"No mate I just went and came " he calmly said while sitting on the couch

I quickly entered the kitchen and poured him a coffee cup
Why? I don't know I felt like

"Here" I handed him the mug and smiled..

"Thank you dia" he said while taking a sip of the coffee..

"So what plans for today?" Niall asked...and ishita groaned..

"We have plans!" Harry announced looking at me and giving me a "pleasee say yes " look

I quickly nodded my head..

"Oh what plans?" Insha asked with a smirk on her face...

"Uhmmm nothing much" Harry started but I cut him off

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