chapter 59

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Diana's (POV)

I felt dizzy and my body felt like it was crushed under a heavy rock I couldn't move neither could I open my eyes

I tried to remember what happened before I fell asleep

Yes I throwed out and then Harry helped me to get changed and i quickly fell asleep

I could hear people talking whom I recognized was Harry and a unknown voice

I felt my arm grabbed my some one and a fabric was wrapped around it

Harry's (POV)

She was still sleeping when the doctor came his name was Dr.jey

"Hello there" he said and extended his hand fir a hand shake

I shook my head and greeted him with a polite tone "hello"

We lead to the room where Diana was sleeping
Doctor suggested to give her some rest and it all happened due to food poisoning

He gave me a list which contained of the names of the medicine

"I will take a leave now Mr.styles please make sure to visit the hospital when she feels better I would like to confirm it once again" Dr.jey said and I lead him to the exit

Everyone were sitting in the living room with worried faces

"It's okay guys he said it's food poisoning" I said and everyone let out a deep breath

"Harry we have an interview in 2 hours should I tell simon to cancel it?" Niall asked

I can't leave her alone and I even can't met the boys miss this interview I don't want to affect their carriers because of my love life

"No niall you all can go tell simon about Diana and he will understand" I said and Lou glared at me.

"How could you think that we will leave you alone here with her? Harry I can understand she is your girlfriend but before that she is our best friend and we are not going to leave her alone do you take that? Mr.harry styles?" The sassy Louis said and everyone chuckled with me

"Okay okay but guyz .." Insha cut me off by saying
"Enough is enough guyz can't you all understand me and ishita can take care of her? And Harry,Diana will not like you missing your interviews because of her falling sick and Louis what you said is right but as of now you all are going and that's an order!"

We all looked like small kids who were being scolded my our mother for doing something wrong

We nodded and lead to our rooms to get changed

I entered my room and got changed casually in my white T-shirt and black jeans without wasting time I went into Diana's room to see if she is fine..

She was still asleep rolled in a ball and her face snugged up making it look funny and yet cute

I moved a bit closer but accidentally a pen holder fell on ground making a loud sound which woke her up

She quickly got up and rubbed her eyes

"Harrry what time is it?" She innocently asked

"It's 3:30 in the afternoon love"

"What shit Harry I missed my class!" She panicked but I quickly pulled her into a tight hug

We stayed that way for sometime...snuggled up in each others arms I could feel her heartbeat and the warmness of her body

When we pulled apart she showed me her perefct beautiful smile when she broke into a smile her beguiling oyster white teeth lit up the room It jolted me like an electric current

"Diana I have an interview in 15 minutes" I said breaking the silence

"Oh then what are you waiting for?"she asked raising her eyebrow

"I don't wanna go"I whined and sighed

"Harry you have to go please I will be fine"she pleased

"Insha and ishita are there to help you"I said and looked back at the door

"Oh that's good but still I will be fine"she said smiling and giving me a last hug

I gently brought her lips to mine and moulded them together her hairs instantly traveled up to my hairs and my to her waist pulling her more closer the kiss grew deeper when we heard a voice

"ahem ahem" Insha cleared her throat

"Oh uhmm bye babe see you in some time Insha take care and Diana I love you" I said avoiding eye contact with Insha who was standing and staring at me

I gave her a alst hug and a peck on her cheeks

"Love you "she said

I walked out of the room peacefully knowing that she is fine

Author's note

Sorry it's short exams coming this month have to study hard..

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