chapter 27

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Harry's (POV)

We all had our dinner and took seats in the living room.

It was 12:30 at night.
But no one was sleepy so we decided to watch a movie.

We heard the door click open.

It was Liam and Sophia.

"Woah I thought you all must be sleeping!" Liam said.

"No mate we just finished our dinner and no one was sleepy so we decided to watch a movie." Louis said.

"Oh okay can we join?" Sophia asked.

"Of course you can you don't need to ask us.." Harry said.

After many arguments and drama we decided to watch Annabelle..

Diana's (POV)

"No no no no I hate scary movies." I shouted and fake cried.

"Ohh looks like dia is scared of haunted movies." Lou said.
And everyone started laughing.

"Aww my poor baby." insha said and engullfed me in a hug.

"Rudy people's scaring my baby cake" Insha said.

"Okay okay enough of drama now lets start."I said.

Everyone took their seats.

Niall and ishita sat next to each other on the sofa.
They were continued by Liam and Sophia.
Surprisingly Insha went and sat by Louis on the ground.

I then had no option so I decided to sit by Harry on the love seat.

The movie started.

I could see Lou and Insha giggling and whispering some things they were enjoying.

But I was not I was fucking scared of those movie.
Niall came near my ear when I was deep lost in the movie with the pillow covering my face.

"wooooooo"he yelled in my ears.

And I hopped and screamed and ended by falling on over Harry.

I didn't notice how close Harry and I were.
There was just some space between us and Harry was in a shock.

He was then staring in my eyes
And I in his.

His green mesmerizing eyes.

I could hear laughs on me for what I did.
But I fucking didn't care.

Me and Harry were lost into each others eyes.

"Ahem ahem" ishita cleared her throat causing me and Harry to get up and sit on our seats..

My cheeks turned crimson red when I realized what we were doing.

"You should have been seen your face" Niall said laughed out loud..

"Niall you just wait, I ll not leave you " I said and got up to him..

He started running in the whole house..

And I was running behind him to catch him.

"Don't hurt my poor niall he didn't do anything." ishita yelled from living room.

"He fucking scared me." I yelled still watching for niall.

He hid somewhere.

"Niall get out wherever you are." I shouted.

I heard giggles from the living room.

I went up to see what was happening

Niall was their sitting with ishita peacefully and everyone else watching the movie.

Everyone were deeply watching the movie.

Liam was layed on Sophia's laps.

Niall and ishita, arms around each other.

Lou and Insha were fast asleep on each others shoulders..

But I could see Harry watching at everyone.I don't know why he was not seeming to be happy.

I quickly took out my phone and texted harry because I didn't wanted to ruin their perfect moment.

Harry can we talk please come to your room..don't tell them I called you..

Soon Harry read the text and started looking here and there for me.

I waved him a hand and called him up..

"Guys I will now go and sleep I'm tired." Harry said and got up..

"Good night Harry" everyone said.

They didn't even notice that i ain't there. so mean.

I quickly went to Harry's room.

He came and opened the door and asked

"hey what happened?"

"Uhmm nothing its just,you looked sad while you were watching the movie Why is that?" I asked him.

"Ohh uhmm nothing actually its just that I was thinking about niall and ishita.." he said.

"why what's up with them they are happy."I replied..

"Yeah but its..that...uhm..uhhh" he said and took a seat on the bed facing down to ground..

"Harry what happened why are you so tensed for them is everything all right?" I asked sitting on the ground and making Harry look in to my eyes...

"Ohh god should I tell you or no?" Harry said in frustration..

I was now so curious to know what the thing is that is disturbing Harry so much about niall and I'm fucking tensed up!..

"Harry its OK if you don't want to" I said and I was about to leave.

"No wait dia you are now a part of us so I think I can share everything with you.." He said and looked up to me.

"Uhmm okay" I said and took a seat next to Harry on the bed..

Author's note

Hie guyz hope you enjoyed this chapter
What do you think the thing is?? That is making Harry so tensed??
Drop your comments in the comment box..

Love you my readerz...
Thank you for those 800 readz..

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