chapter 33 - the date!..

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Harry's (POV)

I'm so excited!!...
Should I tell her what I feel?...
No I think it will be too fast...
But every time I see her..its like..I just want to kiss those beautiful lips of her.
Wanna hold her in my arms...
I want her!..

We reached the apartment.
We were greeted by Lou and Insha both very happy..
And smiling wide to us..

"What?" I asked stepping inside...

"Nothing we are going on a date.." Insha excitedly said..

"Ohh date huh?" I smirked facing Lou..

"Ohh stop it harreh!" He said...

"Enjoy you love birds!" Dia said....

"Love birds seriously?" Insha said.

"Haha its cute.." Lou said....putting an arm around Insha's shoulder.....

"Shall we go now?" Lou asked to Insha

"Someone is very eager" I teased..

"Yes yes i'm " Lou said...

We waved them good bye as they walked out.

I slang my hand towards dia's shoulder and pulled her by my side..

For some reason I can feel she got a sudden shock.

"Now its time for our date!" I said..

Diana's (pov)

He suddenly slang a hand on my shoulder and pulled me to his side..

I got goosebumps on his touch...
I should except he had an great effect on me.

"Now its time for our date!" He said ....
Showing off his dimples..
He was soo happy ...

For some reasons.i was excited.
I blushed on his sentence...

"Yeah" was all I said..

I headed towards my bedroom..
And Harry went to his.

Befour going he whispered something in my ears..
"I'm really excited to go on this date its really special.." He sent shivers down my spine with those words..with his rusky sexy voice...

Now what should I wear?
I opened my wardrobe...
Uhmm black? Nah..

The colour should be?..

I will call ishita...
She was not home as usual love birds!..


Me-hey ishi


Me- listen me and Harry are going on a date and I'm really confused what should I wear?

Ishi- date huh? Okay where are you going .

Me-stop teasing I don't have time...and I don't know because its an secret he didn't tell me!..

Ishi-aww how romantic..

Me-yeah yeah now tell!

Ishi-wear an one piece

Me-okay but I don't have one!..

Ishi-go and open my wardrobe their is an orange one piece that will fit you perfectly

Me-ohh my god orange in my fav colour thank you soo much..ishi...

Ishi-hahha welcome sweetie...and enjoy..

Me-yeah thank you bye..!....

Ishi -byee..

-----call ended-----

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