chapter 38

751 24 3

Diana's (POV)

I'm soo happy for Lou and Insha...

I got up to the annoying sound of my alarm!..
It's an Sunday I have my classes from tomorrow!...
At least I can enjoy today's day...

I quickly got up and dressed
I was wearing an pink tank top with my usual jeans!..
I left my hairs to fall down with the natural curls!..

It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm sure these lazy people are still sleeping!...

I decided to make some breakfast for everyone!..
I'm an good cook!..

I entered the kitchen no one was there in the hall way!..I was right sleepy head were still in beds!..

I decided to make some pancakes and the honey glaze ....
A packet of cupcake mix got my attention!..
"Woah I love baking..
Should I make them....?" I muttered to myself

"Yes of course you should!" A voice said...which I recognized was Harry...

"When did you come here??" I asked..

"When you were busy staring at the cupcake stuff..

"hahah okay okay should I make them?"I asked....

" yes and I will help you "he said...stepping forward and grabbing the cupcake packet from my hands..

" no you can't cook or bake you will ruin it!"I said and felt bad those words were harsh!.

I could see his face dropped and was going to leave the kitchen..

I quickly said"Harry wait don't leave me alone I'm sorry pleasee help me??"

His face lightened up his famous dimple smile showing off and causing butterflies in my stomach I loved to see him like this...

He stepped forward close to me ...
Very close...!!

"I used to work in a bakkery! So I know to bake better!" He whispered in my ears!...

His raspy voice caused my body to flinch on his sudden movement..

"O-ohkay!" Was all I managed to reply..

"Now let's get going " he said and pulled out the ingredients for cupcakes...

I finished making pancakes by the time...

"Can I help you?" I asked...

"Yes yes sure just bring me the flour box from there he said pointing on to a box in the shelf..

" okay"I said and turned to pick it up..

I tried to reach to pull it out but for some reasons my height was small !..

"I can't reach there Harry!" I said in a annoyed tone

"Hahah okay okay I will do it my self!" He said in a teasing tone...

"Wait are you teasing me for my small height??" I asked raising a eyebrow on him..

"No no I ain't!" He said covering his mouth..

"You know what I don't need your help!! I will do it myself!" I said in an angry time and turned around..

I tried and tried but my height was too small for it...

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