chapter 78

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Diana's (POV)

It was a sunday morning. I was lying in my bed while watching videos on YouTube.

It was 29th January today that means it was Harry's birthday in two days.

Will I be able to wish him?
What if he has already moved on?
But I still love him and I always will.
I need to see him.
He will find you.

I groaned and closed my eyes annoyed, I got up and walked till the kitchen to get some water.

Damien was sitting on the counter sniffing through his phone. I watched him as his expression changed over, worry clear on his face. I opened my mouth to ask but decided not to. He looked up at me and forced a smile.

I returned the smile and walked to the fridge, after that day of him accepting what he feels for me things were awkward at first but then I got used to.

"Diana " his soft voice beamed.

"Yeah?"I replied.

"Do you like want to go somewhere for holidays?"

What? What type of question is it?

Damien suddenly asking me if I wanted to go out? Definitely I can't afford a stay out, I still don't have enough money with me and I'm clearly not in a condition to travel.

"Damien I don't think that's a good idea." I said his face dropped at my statement.

"But wait what is it Damien you are behaving different, please tell me if anything is bothering you." I asked.

"Actually Diana its actually-uh one Direction, they are coming here in California for a concert tomorrow."

The mention of their name caused my stomach to churn. My heart pounded heavily in my chest my mind raced a 100 miles.

They are coming.
Harry is coming.
I will soon be seeing Harry.
No you can't see him.

My phone suddenly buzzed up. I looked up for who it was.


I answered it.

"Hello?" I said and waited for the person to reply

"Hello is this Diana summers?" The manly voice which was unfamiliar to me said.

"Yes?" I said still waiting for the person to introduce himself.

"It's Martin I'm actually the photographer of one Direction and-" I didn't wait to listen anything up

Shit, shit, shit.

What if they find me now?
What if they come to know?

This is not good.
Damien noticed the sudden change in me.

He asked if their was a problem I explained everything to him and decided to take a nap for clearing my mind.

I really am missing Harry really, I want to be their with him.
Want him to stay with me.
Want him to kiss me.
Want him to touch me.
Want him to hold our baby

I decided to take a walk around I told Damien about it and soon got out of the flat.

* * *

I was wandering around in the city, yes it was hard for me to walk so much because of the bump I was carrying, but I still wanted to take in some fresh air. I would take a cab back home.

I decided to go to the park and started walking in that direction.

Soon after I reached the park I took a seat below the huge tree in the middle of the park it was beautiful it had a lake at the corner, there was a bridge over it. it was cute how children jumped from here to there with their father and mother laughing and having fun I felt my stomach churn at the mention of father because my baby will never know what a father really means.

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