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He knows how to control me
That's one of the reason why I love him so much

"I love you haz" I said and smiled

"I love you" he said and let go of me

I walked till the bedroom and let out a sigh before I opened the door my heart was pounding fast I never knew what would happen after this conversation

My mom was sitting on the edge of the bed staring blankly at the wall

"Soo..?" I asked and she snapped her head in my direction.

"Diana summers let me tell you that a year ago you promised me something that you are breaking.." She started but I cut her of

"Mom enough is enough I'm an adult now I can handle myself for God sake I'm 18 you need to stop thinking about me pleasee I love him and he too does and I will never leave him let anything happen!" I said and her face had a frown and her eyes wore full of anger

She stood up and walked towards me

"You Diana are a kid you are saying he loves you? What proves it? I don't trust him just look at him! He will leave you when he gets what he wants then dont come begging around" she said and anger boiled inside of me tears were in my eyes but no i had to control i can't be weak I can't show her that I'm weak I need to be strong I need to fight for us for me and Harry

she let out a breath and started again

"Look Diana I just want you to be happy so please stop this and come home with me?"she finished

"No mom how could you say that to him? Why? You don't even know him!" I angrily spatted

"You are out of your mind Diana just understand Diana how much time has it been since you got here? 1 month? And you say he loves you? Just in a period of one month? Are you thinking properly?" She said with her hands in the air

"No this conversation is over! And I'm not coming with you I just can't act like a child arould for lifetime I'm matured and I can take my decision I don't need you to control me or my life you never understood me mom you were never there with me you always loved your posh friends you always left me alone you even left dad alone he loved you but all you cared about was money and image you never understood the real meaning of love and you never will so stop saying about Harry you don't know how kind he is ...he makes me who I'm and I love him and trust him more than anyone mom" her hand clashed with me face till I finished my last sentence and I could feel the heat on my side where she slapped my face tilted to the other side due to her forcefully slap I rubbed my cheek and cried silently while I realized how late I'm I could have just said this before cleared this before I never had anyone with me to share my feelings to take me places I never had a happy family mom and dad would always end up fighting and my dad would always be left heartbroken at the she would never talk with me about
how was my day and how I'm feeling we never had mother and daughter moments she only cared to ask about my grades and to tell me how I should behave how I should dress and all shit stuff

On the other hand my father who was sweet and caring nothing like my mother he always said that she was different before they got married but as time passed she changed my father was a lawyer he could always be busy working but he used to make me happy when I was sad due to fights at school or random stuff like that he never leaves me alone he was always there and while I was with James he did know everything and he did ask me to stay safe, he helped me to hide it from my mother.I loved my father because, he was the first person who made me realize that even if I'm in trouble some one will be there to help me and that would be my father.!

Harry rushed in due to the sound of the clasp of the slap which I got from my mother
His eyes widened when he looked at me he quickly stood before me like a knight in shining armour
I griped his back of hand tightly and he gave me understanding look

Harry opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him "see this you only do this rather than talking you always do this to me" I said and the tears bursted out

"How dare you even touch her? How would you beat your own daughter? Don't you have feeling?" Harry said with a frowned look

"You know what Diana we are done talking and now I no longer take you as my daughter,you are not the diana which you were before you are not my Diana!" With that she walked out of the room slamming the door on her back and I heard another slam after some time when she finally exited

I cried loudly in Harry's chest while he calmed me down

I began to feel dizzy and weak my legs became shaky and felt like jelly.
I got on my knees and everything blacked out

Diana Diana get up!

Please baby get up!

I could hear Harry say those things I whispered "Harry I'm tired and want to sleep" he understood what I wanted to say and gently took me to my bed

My eyes felt heavy as rocks I couldn't open them I drifted of to sleep not bothering to think about what happened just now

Harry's (POV)

I hate to see her like this ..
She doesn't deserve all this
Thank God her mother is gone now but I need to take care of Diana

She slept in her bed innocently like a kid and fall asleep while admiring how beautiful she is

When I woke up Diana was nowhere to be seen I looked around the room to find her but she wasn't there I heard some noises from the washroom and I rushed down there


Author's note

A big chapter next time I promise

Love you all thanks for 2.55k!

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