chapter 67

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A/N- BEFOUR I start lemme tell you this book will have 80 chapters or less or more..for those who were asking me...and I'm working on the trailer. I know it's late but yes it will be out till next month..

And the second thing I won't update till 12th of next month as my exams start day after tomorrow

Don't hate me for it!
I promise I will update regularly after that..


Diana's (POV)

Harry is acting weird
Is that because of jai?
No it can't be

But what if yes?

"Harry what was that?" I asked facing him as we sat in the car

"Uhmm nothing" he simply replied

He is lieing!


"Okay okay"

"I knew it now tell me what happened?"

"I..uh..Diana I don't like him!"..knew it

"but why? He is just a friend harry"

"Look at this! He can't touch you you are mine and only mine!" He said and showed me his phone.

It was a pic that insha clicked of my and jai hugging each other..but wait I didn't tweet anything!


"You what Diana?.."..

" I didn't tweet this!"I yelled my anger on the edge

"Oh so now you didn't tweet this wow!" He said with a disgusted look

I hate this where is my sweet Harry?

"Harry..I'm not ..".

"No diana don't..this is stressing me from the first time I met him it seems like you two had something in past that I'm not aware off..and.." He started but our car hitted by another

Making a big crashing sound everything went black..all I could hear was shouting..loud noises of people telling I tried to open my eyes the last thing I saw was Harry's body laying in front of me..

Insha's (POV)

"Why was Harry acting so weird?"
I asked go nai

"I don't know" he said and I knew something was up he is lieing!

My phone started ringing it was Anna
The lady who helped me for searching an apartment for me and Diana as ishita is in India for some days ..she will be joining us later..

Call- I talking to Miss. Insha Shah?


Anna-oh hi young girl I called you to tell you I got an apartment for you I have mailed you the details and the name of area where it is,is broomley

Me-ohh thanks Anna you helped me alot

Anna-welcome sweetie..bye have a good night

Me-good night Anna

Call end-

"Who was it?" Jai asked

"Anna ..we are actually shifting Ms and Diana will be staying alone..we are renting an apartment" I said

"Oh and where is it?"

"Broomley"A smile crept on his face

"I stay their tooo"

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