chapter 76

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And that's when a pang of jealousy ran through my veins

"Harry I missed you"

Who the hell she is she to say that?

I turned my gaze to Harry whose face held an blank expression.

"Harry who is she?"

"Dia babe i-"he stuttered.

What? Why?
who the fuck is she? Why does someone have to ruin every beautiful moment I'm having.

"Aww poor girl let me introduce myself, my name is Joey, Joey stafford and i work for modest."


That's when it hit me, modest fucking modest, but why is Harry afraid of her?

"Diana I think it's time for us to leave."Harry said.

Why does he wants us to leave?
We were having our moment weren't we?
There is something Harry is hiding.

"Haz aren't you happy?We are meeting after such a long time" her sweet yet bitchy voice boomed.

What does she want?

"Sorry Joey but we have to go." he said ignoring me.

I'm gonna kill this girl.

"Can we meet?I miss you" She asked and that's when I realized, how dumb i'm? I'm just standing here when I should punch her nose and kill her on the spot.

"Harry what is going on?" I asked, my voice was full of confusion.

"Diana let's go." Harry pulled me forward but Joey stopped him by pulling him, by his hand.

I was stupidly standing over their, she touched my boyfriend, like my boy, my love, she laid a finger on my man.

"Excuse me you-" I started

"Sweetie didn't Harry tell you? I'm his-"

"Shut the fuck up Joey." Harry yelled and pulled me closer.

"Listen Diana, I'm gonna make this straight befour she over exaggerates it yes she is my ex, befour you came into my life, I was with her she cheated on me with some other guy and we eventually broke up, please Diana I'm sor-"

I didn't let him finish but pulled him by his collar and kissed his lips softly.

"Sshhh Harry I know what you want to say, I understood now let's go."

"Wait is that a baby bump?" Joey gasped and I literally forgot that it was visible now as it has already been two months I was wearing a simple loose crop top and black jeans.

"Uh no i-"

"My goodness Harry that is your baby? Isn't it? This is such a big news."

Before she could say anything, Harry pulled me further and we ran towards our car leaving Joey alone standing near the shore.

"Diana let's go now." Harry's voice trailed.

"Uh yeah."

We sat in the car and Harry started driving none of us spoke a word, silence took all over

Harry's phone started buzzing and he answered it.

"Yes i'm out
what no
what the fuck
So soon?
We are going to reach in ten minutes

What was be talking about?
My head was spinning badly, I couldn't take everything at this moment.

"Diana." Harry whispered

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