chapter 14

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Diana's (POV)

I felt so safe in his arms in all these things I totally forgot about my nightmare problems.
Thank god Harry was here.

We both were so close to each other.
I woke up by the voice of the alarm it was currently 6:00 am.
I saw Harry sleeping next to me with a perfect smile on.
I didn't want to wake him up so I tried moving without disturbing him.
Their was no space between us.
We were so close it felt so good.
The time I tried to loosen his grip it became more tight and he said.
"Don't go stay here love" In his sexy morning voice.

I thought of staying, but it was his concert today he had to wake up.

I sat straight on the bed facing him.
I woke him up with all my strength.

I cupped his face into my hands and said "Harry styles. You have to wake up now because you just have 1 hour left for the concert. "

"What? What the fuck 1hour did I sleep so late? Shit shit shit." He said panicking.

"Shit, look at your face, you were so scared. I was joking Harry there is time for it." I said laughing.

"Hah you meany, I was scared." He said pouting like a child.

Ohh fuck he looked so cute while doing that.

"Hahah okay okay, i'm sorry. I lied so that I could wake you up" I said.

"hmmm, so I'll go and get ready." He said and rushed to the bathroom.

He came out after some time with a towel wrapped around his body, holy fuck, he was looking so hot. I was staring at him.

"So staring is a bad habit" He said teasing.

"Hahah" I laughed and rushed to the bathroom.

I let the hot water run over my body.
I felt good,I felt better than last night all thanks to Harry.

I then realized I have no clothes to wear.

I wrapped a towell and went out in the room.

Harry was nowhere to be seen.
I saw a tshirt of his, on the bed. I think he kept it for me.

I wore that and went down.

I saw Harry making breakfast for us it was smelling really good.

"Uhmm smells good." I said entering the kitchen.

"Ohh thank you i'm making pancakes.." Je said

"My favorite." I said and sat on the table.

We had our breakfast and Harry went to get ready for the concert.

------------author's note--------

Double update.
Yayaya hope you all like it
Vote and comment love y'll

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