chapter 63

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Harry's (POV) could she? Thank God she didn't go she is here and I'm gonna solve it out!

"Harry she will be alright should I call the doctor?" Louis asked and I nodded.

She fainted few minutes ago after giving me the biggest shock of my life!

"Harry listen, we all are leaving you alone with her, when she gets up talk to her about it. Don't get angry at her and yeah, please understand that whatever she did, it was done for you. To make you happy," Insha warned. Everyone turn by turn exited the room leaving me with Diana.

Looking at how pale she look, thoughts flooded in my mind. What would've happened if she would have progressed in her plan? I would've never met my baby. I would've never be able to meet Diana. I would've never been able to see her smile, hold her tight, admire her and kissed her. I would have never ever forgiven myself.

But I'm happy that she is here with me. Though pale, but her beauty is same. She loves me a lot. I love her. She has the sign of our love in her small belly. Her baby, my baby, our baby. The thought brings a smile on my face.

The train of my thoughts was interrupted by Louis.

"Harry, Insha called the doctor, he said that's it happens during initial months of pregnancy. Even she stresses herself a lot so, yeah that's a reason too." Louis informed me.

"Okay." I said and he gave me a genuine smile.

"I'll leave lad. Take care of her." Louis said patting my back. I nodded and looked at the girl.

"Louis," I called as he was about to close the door behind him.

"Yeah?" He said coming near me. I stood up and hugged him, a manly hug. Tears were threatening to fall out.

"Harry, it's okay. Stay calm." Louis patted my back.

"Louis, she would've left me today. I would've lost her" I said breaking down into tears as we pulled apart.

"Harry, think about the present. She is here with you, she is pretty well. She loves you a lot Harry."

"Yeah, I know." i said sitting on the edge of the bed. Louis put a hand in my shoulder.

"I'll take a leave. Stay strong Harry, she needs you to be there for her." Louis said. I nodded as he walked away.

I have to talk to her about this..but calmly, Harry she is pregnant you can't be harsh to her. I never will be. I know how much I'm angry on her for doing this or even about thinking this! But I will stay calm..she did it for my happiness, though I wouldn't get any but yet she thought about me.

After some minutes i felt the bed sheet move. She woke up and rubbed her eyes. Her eyes scanned the room and landed on me. Her eyes suddenly started getting glossy. That broke me. She was going to leave me today, what would I do without her?


"No Diana don't say a word how could you?" My eyes too started getting wet. Harry stay calm, Harry stay calm!

Yes I'm fucking trying to stay calm!

"Harry I'm sorry" she cried out. Tears began to run down her cheeks..
I felt bad looking at her. Whatever she did, she did it for me. She did it because she loves me. And I love her too!

"Sshhh calm down Diana" I soothed shifting near her and enveloping her in a hug.

She buried her face into my chest and cried ..

"Diana, baby stop crying, I love you okay?" I said she nodded ..

"Harry I'm sorry for everything I was going to do but trust me Harry I love you and I did this cause.."

I didn't let her say anything but kissed her. I know everything. I know why she was doing this. I know why and I don't want her to remember any of these now....

This kiss grew deeper it wasn't rough but passionate. She wanted more from the kiss..her hands as usually travelled up in my hairs tucking at my hair roots and my hands gripping her waist

I pulled apart and whispered "I love you and always will"

For the first time in the day,a real smile covered her face and I was happy to see that..

"Diana just forget about everything that happened today? Please? Just for now " I asked and she nodded. I kissed her one last time and we both laid on the bed no one talking a word just laying there in silence

"Harry can I ask something?" Diana asked turning her head to me and so did I.


"Are you really happy for this baby?" She asked. I smiled and cupped her face into my free hand

"Diana baby trust me I am. if you would have just told me then nothing of this could have happened.." I said and she nodded

"Sorry" she said,I smiled and hugged her....

"Harry I..I need some air can we go out for a walk?" She asked...

Author's note

So are you all happy? I really went through so many things just cause I planned to send Diana away..

But here's the chapter hope you like it..♥

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