chapter 40

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"Insha you don't know how big the surprise is and how much it means to me!!"

"I know I know I felt the same the first time..aren't the soo fucking cute.." She said.

"Yeah they are they are and I fucking love you for all this you did for me!"

"Welcome sweetheart! Now tell me how are you and what are your plans now..??"

Insha's (POV)

We talked and talked and didn't even realize that it was now 3:00pm and we were talking from 1:30??..

"Okay babe now lets go out we are taking from so long..!"

"Yeah okay" she said ...

We headed towards the living room...
And they were all watching their own movie?..

"Guyz why are you all watching you own movie?"

"Because we didn't get anything else to watch love!" Lou said....

"Oh" was all I said..

I took a seat next to Louis on the ground..
And riddhi sat beside zayn on the couch...
Ishita was sitting on nialls the sweet heart chair..
And Harry and Diana on the couch..

Woah wait concert??

"Guyz ohh my god do you remember niall told us about an concert taking place and it was today!!" I screamed...

"Calm down Insha it was cancelled because of some management issues so we just postponed it to the coming Saturday...and today is Thursday.." Liam said...and I took a seat again where I was...

"Ohh I nearlly got scared..."

Lou pulled me towards him...and rested his head on my shoulders..
Causing me to flinch at my place ..
His hands wore on my waist...tightly holding me...close to him...


"I'm watching this movie for the 100th time today.."I whispered into Harry's ears while everyone were busy taking giggling and watching the movie.

" yeah I know and its boring...watching yourself on the television is something like you are watching your past diaries "he said and chuckled..

" hahah I know I know...but I'm really getting bored harry.."

"Oh uhmm..then let's do something interesting.."he said...

"Like what?"

"Pass me the water botel and when I say you pour yours on Insha and Lou and I will do the same with riddhi and zayn.." He said..

"Okay nice" I said and did as he said .

"3. 2. 1 go"

We both splashed water on everyone sitting there...

Everyone looked at us with big eyes...and were angry...

"Look at your faces!" Harry said and we both laughed..

"You stupid what the hell you did!!!" Insha yelled ...

"Aww my poor baby I want setting bored...

" you little stupid wait there I will now take my revenge.."she said and grabbed the bottle next to her place...

I ran away from their holding on Harry's hands we hid in the kitchen so that they couldn't

"Here come here " Harry said while he pulled me to the small place between the frige and the kitchen table the was enough for us to hide....

We quickly got in there...until we realized how close we were..
Just inches away from each other ..

Author's note
Stay tuned for more...
I promised so I updated today...
I hope you like it..
Sorry it's short..
Vote and comment!♥

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