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*two years later*

"Diana baby I'm late for work."I said.

"Harry you are such a dick come here and help me."she whined and a chuckle left my lips.

"I'm sorry baby."I said as i approached her in the kitchen.

"Its okay now go and get her ready."she sweetly said looking towards the door.

"Let her sleep."I said amd burried my face into her neck.

"No it's time for her to get up Harry, she can't miss her school."she sternly said

The door clicked open and she walked towards me.

"Good morning baby."I said while I picked her up in my arms.

"Morning Dad."she replied rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"Get ready both of you."Diana said while washing the plates.

"Let's give mommy a good morning kiss?" I whispered into her ears and she nodded sheepishly.

"Mommy."We both longed and kissed her cheeks while she giggled.

"Okay that's enough for today get ready."She laughed and we pouted.

"Daddy I heard mommy screaming your name yesterday night is she okay now?" She asked and my eyes went wide.

Diana laughed and laughed when I face palmed and tried to make her understand that everything was okay.

After the day Diana came back into our life's everything has been good.

"Uncle niall."she cheered as niall entered through the doors.

We shifted as now we have a baby to take care.
Everything changed to be good.
Riddhi and zayn are in a relationship

Ishita and niall got married soon before we did and are already having 2 kids. No wonder.

Louis and Insha decided to wait, they did get engaged and are ment to be for each other.

Liam is still single and happy.
Well there were rumours of him dating Cheryl, but he says she is a good friend so let's keep it like that.

Well Louis is her favourite uncle so far.

"Niall good morning." I cheered.

"Morning lad." He replied and sat down on the couch taking her in his arms.

"Niall let her get ready now."I copied Diana's tone.

"But I just now came let me play with her. Ishita threw me out because i did not help her clean the house." He pouted and I laughed.

The door bell rang and we were greeted by everyone.

"What are you all doing here?"I asked in an ammused tone.

"Well we thought it would be a nice day for hanging out." Liam explained and smiled at Cheryl.

Liam you liar.

"Yes, where is my cupcake harry?" Louis asked.

"In here." I said and pointed towards the living room. He immediately entered and went in to search his cupcake.

"Oh hah, come in everyone."

They all came in and she jumped in Louis arms in happiness.

"Woah that's a nice surprise everyone." Diana said as she entered in the living room.

"We missed you Diana." The girls said.

"I did too." She replied and huged each one of them.

"Mommy please let me stay, I want to be there with you all." She pouted while everyone laughed.

Jake and Medelen, Niall's and ishita's kids were here too.

"Hi uncle Harry." They greeted.

"Hello to you too." I said while I kissed their cheeks.

"Daddy." She whined and came towards me.

"You are mine." She sternly said, making everyone laugh.

"I'm only yours." I replied and kissed her forehead.

"Okay, you can stay back home today." Diana gave permission and everyone cheered.

I sat at the corner of the couch seeing everyone talk, play, laugh, enjoy.

"Hey." Diana said as she scooted towards me.

"Hi." I replied and kissed her cheeks.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm just very happy." I replied.

"Mee too." She leaned and rested her head on my chest.

"Let's click some pictures." Niall spoke up.

We agreed to first click a family click.

I called her towards me and Diana and happily came in.

"Cheese." We all smiled in the picture.

"I love you mommy, daddy" She said.

"We love you to Darcy." Me and Diana replied and kissed her cheeks.

A/N- oh my god.
It's done.
Happy ending.
I hope you liked this book.

Let me know how much you liked this epilogue.

Ily guys. *Cries*

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