chapter 37

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Diana's (POV)

Ohh my gosh I'm so freaking happy.I mean seriously zayn is back and my best friend who had an heart break got some one who really loves her soo much and cares for her.

"Party timeee..." Harry squealed.

"Hahah yeah yeah mate calm down." Zayn said giggling..

Suddenly Insha's phone buzzed up..

"Who's it?" Lou asked leaning in and giving a quick kiss on her cheeks, she turned a crimson shade of red.

"Someone is turning very romantic" I guess'i said looking down to the floor.

While every laughed.

"Its Riddhi"she cheered with happiness.

I remember she is the girl she stayed with when she broke up with amaan.

Insha's (POV)



Ridz-hieeeee babe I missed you sooo much....

Me-aww I missed you toooo....

Ridz-where are you?

Me-london why?

Ridz-hehe I knew you are in London and guess what I'm coming to London tomorrow.

Me-ohh my god really?

Ridz-yes yes yes........i'm soo happy

Me- mee toooo...and I have a surprise for you(she is a big big will she react when I tell her I fucking stay with these four ladz? Ohh five zayn is back ohh my god I wanna tell her after all I know that she has a biggg crush on him..)

Ridz-what is it what is it??

Me-dont you understand what surprise is?

Ridz-haha okay okay byee now I got to going...

Me-byee babe love ya...come soon...

------call end-----

"Who's coming love?" Lou asked while wrapping a hand around my waist.
His touch sent sensations to me he has an strong effect on me.

"My friend with whom I stayed when I uhmm broke up" I said while looking down at the floor.I closed my eyes and felt the tears rising..

Lou turned me around so now I was facing him.

"Don't even try to cry!" He demanded.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" I controlled my tears.

"So she is gonna stay with us?" Lou asked squeezing my hand...

"Uhmm no I don't know I didn't even ask her about it I was excited about the surprise.She is a big Directioner and has an biggg crush on zaynie..." I said poking zayn..

"Ohh me?" Zayn askeds smiling.

"Yes yes zaynie you." I said giggling.

Niall went out of the room to attend an call because we were laughing and making loud noises.

It's already 1:00 am..

"Guyz listen..." Niall shouted, he came back running and ended up crashing on the sofa

"Niall baby are you okay??" Ishita asked...

"Yeah yeah I'm" he said and got up.

"What happened mate?" Zayn asked.....

"We have an small concert tomorrow to bring out the news that you are back!" He said jumping in joy.

"Ohh my god I'm sooooo happy."Liam said...

After all the talking session and plan making was over.We made our ways towards our respective rooms.

I was going to my room.I felt someone following me.

He suddenly hopped up in front of me causing me to jump and trip but he caught me by my waist..

"Ahhh Lou u scared me."I said while he stared directly info my eyes...

We didn't move he held his one hand to my waist while holding me in that position and the other hands was tightly intertwined with my fingers

"Loo..uu..Lou?" I asked whe I came back to my senses,I was busy staring the beautiful face that standed in my front which was now officially mine....

Yes Lou is mine!

"Ohh uhmm sorry I was just lost in your beauty" he said and leaned in while he touched my nose with his nose..

"Heheh ok ok now I'm sleepy and I can't even take a step anymore.." I said in a childish way pouting on my lips like a little kid.

"Aww my baby is tired" He said while he picked me up bridal style and carried me towards my bed.

I burried my face in his chest inhaling his colonge.

As soon as I burried my face into his chest my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off to sleep in his arms..

"I'm just so happy to have Lou with me..." I murmured

Louis (POV).

I placed her carefully on her bed.she held on my hand even after sleeping I didnt wanted to wake her up so I just layed down side to her..On the bed admiring her beautiful.. Face...
She looks so cute when she is sleeping...

I'm glad I told her everything....

I love you.
I whispered and driffted of to sleep

Author's note
Hieee lovely readers...
Sooo sorry I'm late I have my school and assignments...I really tried my level best to make up for this chapter...drop your comments in the box...Love ya readerz...
And comment♥

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