chapter 72-The truth!

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Jai's (POV)

I had to do it.
I know, I hurt her but I had to do it for us.
I know he doesn't love her, he just wants to get in her pants.
He is a jerk, bastard, asshole, everything bad you call, he has no right to touch my girl.

Harry styles, today is the night when I tell you about my and diana's past and I'm sure you will leave her alone, that's what you will do.

I have called Diana to so that she knows how much I love her and to show her, that he is just using her.

It's thirty minutes till they come.

Diana's (POV)

It's thirty minutes the clock ticks seven'o clock, I have to make up some lies.

I quickly changed into shorts and wore a plain loose T-shirt, as my hand is still wrapped in a bandaid I can't wear anything too fancy for sure.

I should give Harry a call



Hello Diana what happened?

Uh nothing, I just called to check if you are okay?

I'm perfectly fine, I will be home till 8 sure love.

Okay Harry, take care love you.

I love you Diana.

With that he hung up, I went out to see the living room was empty there was a note on the coffee table.

Hi Diana, me, Insha, zayn, riddhi, niall, Liam are out. We just wanted to go out and Insha said you weren't feeling well and that you needed rest. So we left without waking up, take care love and call us if you need anything.

Its good now, I don't have to lie I will just go and come back before they reach home.

I slipped in my comfy shoes and carefully locked the apartment.

I walked till the park it was still five minutes till seven there was no one in the park, the lights were glowing making the wet grass shine, it was a beautiful view.

I saw someone sitting across on the park bench on a wheelchair, it suddenly reminded me of Harry is that harry?, No he can't be.

I went and sat on the bench and glanced on the person and my jaw dropped it was Harry.

His face was burried in his hands and he was crying?

What, why?

"H-harry?" I asked still shocked.

He looked up and had a tint of astonishment on his face.

His eyes were red and puffy due to crying.

"Harry babe why are you crying?" I asked as i skooted over to him.

"Diana I..why are you here?" My mind went blank, should I tell him?

"Harry i-"I was cut if by someone's voice from behind.

"Ahh you both already that's nice" Jai's voice boomed through my ears.

What he was the?
no wait what is going on
My mind was making up thousand of imagines of what would have happened and I was curiously waiting for someone to explain.

Tears gathered in my eyes seeing Harry in this condition.

My friend, who I thought is my bestest friend or was my bestest friend did this?

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