chapter 49

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Diana's (POV)

I woke up 5 minutes ago and saw the time we are going to be so late!
Is Harry awake now?
Or he is still sleeping..I hope not
I quickly went for a shower and wore my dress which was a pink tank top and blue tight jeans and I kept my makeup as simple as possible..

I rushed to Harry's room to check he is ready or not..

The door was open so I didn't knock
And entered Harry wasn't there on the bed ...
Neither in the shower

We're is he?

"Harry" I yelled loud enough for him to hear..

"Hey" I jumped when Harry slipped his hands on my waist from back and whispered in my ears .

"Harry you scared me" I scolded him..

He was dressed as usual in his white T-shirt and black jeans and his hairs were messy

"You okay now?"he asked leaning in and looking straight into my eyes

"yes I'm fine"I said he pressed his lips on mine and I couldn't help but smile into it into the madness.. His lips are soft..and so perfect I love the way his tongue laps around mine pushing
Into my mouth not giving me the chance to pull away..

"I love you "he whispered in my ears

"I love you "I said and he kissed my forehead

I followed him to the living room
Everyone were ready only Insha and Lou weren't there

"Where are insh and Lou?"I asked ishita

"Insha isn't well so Lou was taking care of her.." She said

"Ohh why what happened?" I asked in a tone of worry & confusion
She was fine an hour ago..

"Hey" Insha greeted as she entered the room she was looking fine now. she was wearing shorts with a black T-shirt and her hairs were pulled in a messy ponytail

"You okay now?" I asked

"Yep I was just tired nothing else.." She said..

"Okay" I said and smiled..

"Should we tell them now?" I whispered into Harry's ears..making sure no one was seeing us

"No don't.." He said and looked back and forth

"But why?"

"I wanna surprise them" he said..


"It's a surprise for you too"


"No Diana you know I will not tell you so don't even try"

"Alright then" I said and walked back making a childidh angry face he is so good at keeping secrets were I'm not...

"Time to go" niall shouted from the living room

We all exited the apartment their were 2 cars for us
I decided to go in the one in which Harry wasn't their..just for fun to show him that I'm angry

Me,Liam,zayn were in one car we kept one place for riddhi as zayn said..

After a lot of arguments Harry accepted to sit in the car In which I ain't their..hushh

That means Harry,Niall,Ishita,Lou and Insha were in the other car

Zayn was driving so I took a seat next to Liam..
He seemed to be a bit sad I asked him the reason he didn't respond..
He is very quiet and not with us almost all the time..

"Liam you can share anything with me" I insisted

"I know dia I..just" he said and held his head into both hands while looking down to the car floor

"Liam calm down tell me what happened"

Thankfully zayn was concentrating on the drive with the music on so our talks were safe

"She..she dia she"

"Say it Liam"

"She left me" he said and began to cry
But immediately recovered his emotions

"Liam will you tell me everything what happened I'm sure we will find a way out of it"

"Yeah sure but after the show?"

"Yep okay"

Soon we reached riddhi's place she was waiting for us...
She was wearing jeans like me and a T-shirt and her hairs were styled in a stylish plate.

"Looking pretty" zayn said looking at her

"Thanks zaynie" she blushed

"Uh..huh.." Liam and I did the same thing at the same time to drove their attention

"Ohh hi guyz"

"Hi now hop in we are getting late" Liam said

Liam's mood was a bit okay after having a talk I wonder what made her break up with such an fabulous guy

We wore late...they were already here..their car was parked on the way

Paul came running to us..
"Ladz make it fast crowd is going crazy now" he said taking in air

"Alright alright ladies time to go" zayn said and hurried..

"Girls you have to come with me" Paul said and we followed him..

He brought us to the front row on the VIP side..the stage was right in front of our eyes..

I was willing to give Harry a best of luck but ..uhhuh my stupid brain was acting as if I'm angry..

I'm missing him.

Harry's (POV)

"5 minutes to go" Paul yelled
Everyone giving up the last minute touch ups..

I don't know why diana acted like that..I wanted a best of luck from her and she didn't even drive here with me..

She is angry because you didn't tell her the plan!

My mind's voice corossing me

And I guess yeah that's right
But she will be beyond happy when she knows what I'm gonna do
We all headed towards the stage and the music started playing.
Fans sent crazy girlz screaming "thank you zayn"
"We love you"

We wore so overwhelmed for this..
We have the best fans in the world

My eyes started searching for her

Pacing back and forth atlast landed on her she was jumping screaming fangirling over us..
I love the fact that she is so much like a child who is just so sweet so kind

"Are you having a good time?" Niall yelled in the mic

"Yeeeeessss" the answer came back

We were enjoying it soo much..
Singing dancing playing like olden times..

I thought for a moment that it was time...

I went back stage and called Paul


Hie readers...
I will now update alternate days..


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