chapter 7

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There was silence in the car as we drove, No one was speaking a word but this time I decided to keep my mouth shut.

He broke the silence saying
"Did I tell you, you look beautiful today?"

I looked up to his face, he gave me a big and warm smile.
ohh god his dimples.
Rather than answering, i kept staring at his face for a few minutes.

He shooked me saying. "Diana, you okay?"

"Ohh Yea, Yea I'm alright and thank you for the compliment." I said and blushed.

"Hey, don't blush now you look so cute when you blush. I feel like I should." He started but stopped mid-sentence.

"You feel like you should, What? " I asked, knowing it is something flirty i gave a him an innocently confused look.

"Nothing nothing, Ohh look we are here." He said while changing the topic.

I peeked out to see we are at Starbucks.

"I love this place." I said

"Ohh, i'm glad you do, its my favorite place." He said smirking.

Don't kill me

"Yeah." I said as we walked in.

He went and brought up hot chocolate for me.

I thanked him and took a small sip of it and asked

"So you were saying something in the car, What was it?"

"Ohh nothing important." He said giving me his big famous smile.

"Ohh god that smile is the end of me." I whispered a little to loudly, not knowing that he was starting at me.

"You said something Diana?" He asked.

"No nothing." I said.

"So, have you been to any of the concerts before?" He asked.

"No this is my first time." I said honestly.

"It seems you are going to have fun then." He said with a charming smile.

"Yeah, it was my dream to meet you boys."I said and smiled.

"Ohh, so dream came true huh?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said and giggled.

"Can you sing for me?" I asked, I just had this wish in my mind that I wanted to tell him.

"Wow, That's weird but yes why not." He replied sheepishly.

"Which song?" He asked.

I was about to say little things but my tongue decided to go with "They don't know about us."

"Nice choice." Harry said and cleared his throat.

I sat with my hand under my chin, waiting for him to sing.

"People say we shouldn't be together, to young to know about forever I say they don't know what talk talk talking about.." He started singing and the melody of his angelic voice engullfed me.

Harry's (POV)

"Come here" I said pulling her close to me with my arms around her.

After singing for her she was in a whole different mood. She asked me if we could take a walk around and I ofcourse agreed.

Minutes passed and we kept walking in complete silence. That's when she spotted a Picturebooth. Her eyes glimmered while she faced me, I immediately understood what she wanted and ran towards the booth with her.

"This is so cute." She said giggling.

"Yeah, now go." I said and pressed the button.

For the first picture, we both decently smiled and for the second i put my hand around her waist and pulled her close and stuck my tongue out in a creepy way to which she burst out laughing.

The third was when she kissed my cheeks and lingered there till the shutter went down. I was shocked but for the fourth I did the same. The fifth was us sticking our tongue out and pretending to lick each others faces. The sixth atlast, was us hugging eachother.

I buyed two copies and handed one to Diana, she smiled widely taking it from my hands and placed it securely in her clutch.

We started walking towards the park and my hand carelessly traveled to her shoulders and she gladly gave in and scooted closer.

I feared no one at this moment, the heat of her body was enough to keep me warm on that cold day.

"Harry this feels nice." she said.

"I know." I replied smiling sheepishly.

"Hey, do know about Niall and Ishita?" She asked innocently bathing her long and beautiful eyelashes.

"Yes, he was continuously talking about her, she's this, she's that. We had to give him food to shut him up." I laughed.

She laughed and it was like a melody to my ears.

"Even i think, that Ishita likes Niall." She said smiling.

"Well yeah they make a cute couple." I replied.

And so do you.

My inner voices called but I ignored.

"You want to go back?" I asked after a couple of minutes.

"No, i mean I want to stay, unless you want to go back?" She asked.

"No, we can stay." I replied.

"You sure?" She asked.

At that moment my eyes caught her and her caught mine, I was lost in her beautiful brown eyes, her face glowed like an angel and her lips curved in a smile giving them a heart shape.

She looked down at her toes and our little eye contact broke.

I was about to kiss her on the forehead to answer but she looked up so our lips touched, that was one hell of a sensation, I wanted to kiss her but now was not the right time.

She quickly pulled away and colour rose up to her cheeks.

"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I quickly said.

"Its okay." She queitly replied.

We continued walking and i realized something.

I liked her.
I didn't fancy her.
I liked Diana.

Author's note.


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